a rose for emily高英第六册 ARoseforEmily --WilliamFaulkner 1、Howmanyways(perspectives)awritercanchoosetotellastory?TThheeTFhiirrsdtPersonTheFirstPerson Insecondperson,thenarratoraddressestheprotagonistas"you."Thispointofviewisveryrarebecauseitisextremelydifficulttopulloff.TheSecondPerson ThirdPerson Third...
a rose for emily 解析 ARoseforEmily ByWilliamFaulkner Theauthor TheThemesThePlotsTheBackground Author WilliamCuthbertFaulkner(bornFalkner,September25,1897–July6,1962),alsoknownasWillFaulkner,wasanAmericanwriterandNobelPrizelaureatefromOxford,Mississippi.Faulknerworkedinavarietyofwrittenmedia,includingnovels,...
Lesson_8_A_Rose_for_Emily课文解析 sereneadj.•calmandpeaceful.安详的;宁静的e.g.alake,stillandsereneinthesunlight.阳光下宁静安谧的湖水。PartIII serenelyadv.e.g.Shesmiledserenely.serenityn.e.g.Thehoteloffersahavenofpeaceandserenityawayfromthebustleofthecity.那家旅馆远离闹市,是一个幽静...
nigger n. a very offensive word for a black 2、 person (对黑人的冒犯称呼) 黑鬼 Yankee n.a person who comes from or lives in any of the northern states of the US, especially New England. 美国北方人,(尤指)新英格兰人a solider who fought for the Union (the northern states) in the ...
CEB 6 L8:A Rose for Emily CEB 6 L8: A Rose for Emily >>Paraphrases 1. But garages and cotton gins had encroached and obliterated even the august names of that neighborhood…… The street used to house only the best families. But then great changes took place: garages and cotton ...
William Faulkner(威廉·福克纳)《A Rose for Emily》《艾米丽的玫瑰》解析目录William Faulkner(威廉·福克纳)简介《艾米丽的玫瑰》的历史背景与《艾米丽的玫瑰》相关的其他书籍关于《艾米丽的玫瑰》的关键事实《…
作品分析题(18分) 1. Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily This story happens after the American Civil War, in Jefferson Town. It’s a story about an eccentric spinster named Emily Grierson whose marriage is totally manipulated by her father. Two years after her father’s death, poor Emily is acqu...
迎下载 A Rose for Emily Summary The story begins at the funeral of Miss Emily Grierson. Nobody has been to her house in ten years, except for her Negro servant. Her house once was the best house but now looks old. There is a special relationship between Emily and the town ever since...
3 gothic stoory , the death represents the falling of the south socirty and revealing the darkness of it. Homers body foretells us the personilities of emily, at least logical from her perspective of possition,because her father send away all her suitors she kowns that homer...
A rose for Emily 星级: 23 页 A Rose for Emily 星级: 2 页 A Rose for Emily 星级: 9 页 a rose for emily 星级: 5 页 A Rose for Emily 星级: 8 页 On A Rose for Emily 星级: 4 页 a rose for emily解析 星级: 32 页 A Rose for Emily 星级: 7 页 a rose for Emily...