Although RGB-D sensors have enabled major break-throughs for several vision tasks, such as 3D reconstruction, we have not attained the same level of success in high-level scene understanding. Perhaps one of the main reasons is the lack of a large-scale benchmark with 3D annotations and 3D ...
Xiao, “Sun rgb-d: A rgb-d scene understanding benchmark suite,” in Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2015, pp. 567–576. [14] I. Armeni, O. Sener, A. R. Zamir, H. Jiang, I. Brilakis, M. Fischer, and S. Savarese, “3d semantic...
(2015). Sun rgb-d: A rgb-d scene understanding benchmark suite. In CVPR. Sun, J., Cao, Y., Chen, Q. A., & Mao, Z. M. (2020a). Towards robust \(\{\)LiDAR-based\(\}\) perception in autonomous driving: General black-box adversarial sensor attack and countermeasures. In ...
We use the SUN RGB-D dataset [45] to evaluate our approach on 3D scene parsing, 3D reconstruction, as well as other 3D scene understanding tasks. The dataset has 5050 testing images and 10,355 images in total. Although it provides RGB-D data, we only use the RGB images as the input ...
SUN RGB-D: A RGB-D scene understanding benchmark suite, In: Proc. IEEE/CVF Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit. (CVPR), pp. 567-576. Google Scholar Thomas et al., 2019 Thomas, H., Qi, C.R., Deschaud, J.E., Marcotegui, B., ...
Song, S., Lichtenberg, S.P. & Xiao, J. Sun rgb-d: A rgb-d scene understanding benchmark suite. InThe IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR) 567–576 (2015). Silberman, P. K. N., Hoiem, H. & Fergus, R. Indoor segmentation and support inference from rgbd...
Scene UnderstandingSUN RGB-D - A RGB-D Scene Understanding Benchmark SuiteNYU depth v2 - Indoor Segmentation and Support Inference from RGBD ImagesResources for studentsResource link collectionResources for students - Frédo Durand (MIT) Advice for Graduate Students - Aaron Hertzmann (Adobe Research)...
SUN RGB-D- A RGB-D Scene Understanding Benchmark Suite NYU depth v2- Indoor Segmentation and Support Inference from RGBD Images Aerial Image Segmentation- Learning Aerial Image Segmentation From Online Maps Time Management- Randy Pausch (CMU) ...
Song S, Lichtenberg SP, Xiao J (2015) Sun rgb-d: A rgb-d scene understanding benchmark suite. In: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp 567–576 Spinello L, Arras KO (2011) People detection in rgb-d data. In: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Sy...
RGB-T Crowd Counting from Drone: A Benchmark and MMCCN Network, ACCV2020, Tao Peng et al. [PDF][Code] RGB-T Fusion Tracking Datasets GTOT [PDF][link], RGBT234 Dataset [PDF][link], LasHeR Dataset [PDF][link] deep-learningpapersfeature-fusionrgbt-trackingmultispectral-pedestrian-detection...