1A Red Light for Scofflaws 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 13 p. 【DOC】跳棋技巧 25 p. 跨越国界与性别藩篱【经典-PPT】 23 p. 中秋节,农历八月十五,我国的传统节日之一。关于节日起源...【经典-PPT】 24 p. 2010【经典-PPT】 55 p. 科技人与过劳死系列2---你所不知道的健康检查【...
新编英语教程6unit 4 A red light for scofflaws Unit4ARedLightforScofflaws Outline:I.(Para.1)Theproblem:millionsofAmericansarebreakingthelegalcodes.ExamplesQuotationII.(Para.2-4)VarietiesofscofflawsPara.2Scofflawsaboundinamazingvariety.ExamplesPara.3Themostimmediatelyandmeasurablydangerousvisiblescofflawryisthe...
Unit 4 A Red Light for Scofflaws Discussion If you see someone in need of help in the street, like an old person lying on the ground in agony, what will you do? Will you walk away or give a helping hand? Why? 1. Look up the word scofflaw in a dictionary. Have you ever committed...
A Red Light for Scofflaws玩忽法令之风不可长! [1]Law-and-Order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in U.S. history. Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking incr...
新编英语教程6unit 4 A red light for scofflaws 新编英语教程6unit 4 A red light for scofflaws_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。讲课首选Unit 4 A Red Light for Scofflaws Outline: I. (Para. 1) The probl... 新编英语教程6_Unit_9_A_Red_Light_for_Scofflaws 新编英语教程6_Unit_9_A_Red_Light_for...
[精品]新编英语教程6_Unit_9_A_Red_Light_for_Scofflaws 下载积分: 300 内容提示: Unit 9 1. outlaw litter (l.5) unlawful stewing (a place) with rubbish 2. illicit noise (l.5) very loud noise which is not permitted 3. motorized anarchy (ll.5-6) disorder or chaos created ...
Unit 4 A Red Light for Scofflaws Unit4 ARedLightforScofflaws 1 I.Learningobjectives Haveanideaofthevarietyofscofflawsandthedangerstheymaycause.Understandtheimportanceofevidenceinexpositorywriting.2 ChineseStyleofCrossingRoads“crossingtheroadswithouttakingtrafficlightsintoconsideration,aslongasyouarepartofacrowd....
Unit 4 A Red Light for Scofflaws ??? ??? Outline:I. (Para. 1) The problem: millions of Americans are breaking the legal codes. Examples QuotationII. (Para. 2-4) Varieties of scofflaws Para. 2 Scofflaws abound in amazing variety. Examples Para. 3 The most immediately and measurably dan...
1、英译汉篇章练习(六) A Red Light for Scofflaws 玩忽法令之风不可长!1Law-and-Order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in U.S. history. Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone crim...
A red light for_scofflaws中英对照版(免费)参考译文 对违反法律者亮红灯A Red Light for Scofflaws 弗兰克·特立皮德 1 Law-and-order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in U.S. history. Yet it is painfully apparent 2 that millions of Americans who would never ...