The survey is carried out every year, and its headline findings are usually reported in the media, but this year they were a bigger story than usual because of the responses to a new question about “unwanted sexual behaviour”. Here’s how the Guardian summarized the survey’s findings: ...
One of the first concepts Linh Nguyen learned while studying Japanese was“uchi-soto. ”It refers to the practice of categorizing people into one of two groups—insiders or outsiders. Family, friends and close acquaintances are insiders, referred to as“uchi, ”while“soto”is for those relegate...
While at least moderate damage to the brain has not shown to have any negative effects on the Zombie in question, whether a body would continue without its brain is currently unknown. Given their effective immortality and numbness to pain, Zombies are generally laid back and easy going; ...
Machado shows us the silencing terror at the heart of this sort of abusive relationship so brilliantly. It is not the sort of memoir that lingers on horrible details, but it does make you feel breathless with fear nonetheless. Because the relationship seems so inescapable. To outsiders, there ...
Dean Jiang said it was a good question and would have been challenging if done in Europe. The Central Government leadership decided, saying that many people were not doing judicial work, but were in the General Office, Research Department, etc. People thought about the legality or ...
One might expect the first question to be: How could you get it so wrong? Tareq Baconi: Well, Hamas really is a chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is a movement that’s present in different situations throughout the Middle East that is committed to what it calls the Islamization ...
That's a great question. And look, you know, I think all of us have little hidden sides. And therefore, the "P for Pornographer" [chapter] was about Henry Spencer Ashby who lived in Bloomsbury and had the world's largest collection of pornography. But you're righ...
I sometimes question why I am doing this to myself. Why am I bringing on these lows, which stem from uncertainty, when I could be living a life of consistency and comfort back in a house and a regular 9 to 5? Then I remember I am doing this so that I can grow as a person, my...
s bodyguard remarked that it was a good question. He did not think gambling was the reason because people always bet on sports. He thought maybe that it was because, as kids, we don’t learn to race horses, like baseball and football. The public is naïve about jockeys because they ...
Take chapter 16 for example, where Lao Tzu writes: Become totally empty Quiet the restlessness of the mind Only then will you witness everything unfolding from emptiness … Be still Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity Eternity embraces the all-possible ...