LORD OF THE FLIES CHAPTER QUESTIONS AND … 热度: ANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS 热度: The Great Gatsby – Comprehension Questions Chapter … 热度: TheOutsiders:AdditionalChapterQuestions ChapterOne 1.WhatdoyouknowaboutPonyboy,Sodapop,andDarry?
The Outsiders byS.E. Hinton Chapter 1 to Chapter 3 Chapter One The narrative opens with Ponyboy Curtis, the protagonist, reminiscing about his life. He tells us that he is a greaser and has long hair. He explains that he has two brothers: Darrel, 20 years old, who works long and ...
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chapter1(end) chapter2(1) 382023-04 5 chapter1(4) 252023-04 6 chapter1 (3) 332023-04 7 chapter1(2) 382023-04 8 前言+Chapter1 (1) 692023-04 9 chapter5(3) 472023-05 10 chapter5(2) 602023-05 查看更多 猜你喜欢 143 Chapter IV-Triffaz by:影视原声乐 2240 Claire读Chapter books by...
The Outsiders (Chapter 3) Directions: Look for stereotyping examples throughout this chapter. Write down a minimum of five examples for each. Pay specific attention to Cherry’s description of the Socs. Greasers Socs Key Greasers Socs They get the “rough breaks.” Johnny’s parents...
The Outsiders byS.E. Hinton Chapter 4 to Chapter 6 Chapter Four The boys are surprised in the park by the blue Mustang. Four Socs have been seeking them out for "stealing" their girls and are now intent on punishing them. They push Ponyboy into the fountain, and he is convinced that ...
The Outsidersis a coming-of-age novel by S. E. Hinton published in 1967. Ponyboy Curtis and his gang of greasers regularly fight with the upper-class Socs. When a member of the gang kills a Soc, Ponyboy learns valuable lessons about belonging, friendship, family, and goodness. ...
ChapterOne PaulNewman RedCorvair BlueMadras EnglishLeatherAfterShave Lynx TheOutsidersChapterTwo PackofKOOLS NightlyDoubleDriveIn BarrelRacing ChessyCat BlueMustang Chapter3 Elvis TheBeatles MickeyMouseisahorse?! Yes,MickeyMouseisabuckskinhorse,justliketheonebelow. ...
Date Introduction Pages 2–4Chapters 1–2 Pages 5–6 Chapters 3–4 Pages 7–8 Chapters 5–6 Pages 9–10Chapters 7–8 Pages 11–12 Chapters 9–11 Pages 13–14Chapter 12 Pages 15–16The Exchange Assessment The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton What can life teach us that school cannot?
TheOutsidersbySEHintonChapterOne The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton Chapter One •1. Describe each of the characters and their relationship with one another.•2. Who are the members of the socs? Who are the members of the greasers?•3. How do Ponyboy's relationships with Darry and ...