Even death has made her no less dear. Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use. Audio and Video Music: Trust. By Jahzzar. Performed by Jahzzar at theFree Music Archiveunder anAttribution-ShareAlikelicense.
17.a poem or song composed especially as a lament for a deceased person."挽歌,挽诗:专门为悼念某一死者所写的诗或歌." 18.On the Elegy in Dynasties of Wei,Jin a nd Late Han and Its Variety--Also as a Probe into the Birth of Elegy;汉末魏晋挽歌及其流变论——兼谈挽歌的产生 相关短句/例...
For A Mother's Birthday By Victoria M. Hodgson Poem For Deceased Mom's Birthday Stories 1 Shares 2045 Favorited 14 Votes 1088 Rating Memories By Louise Bailey Poem About Memories Of A Loved One Stories 26 Shares 10246 Favorited 152 Votes 4465 Rating Were...
We do not want the big fashion designers who make of fashionapoemforthe eyes and the body (the writer is obviously a fan of the greatest, past and contemporary, designers), but we will never be tired to remind them that creativity without implementation remains[...] ...
For sweet things dying. Themes of 'A Dirge' As is made plain by the simple title, this poem laments a death. It is about an early, untimely death. The object of the poem was born at the wrong time of year and died too young, at the wrong time of year at the wrong sta...
the concept of blank-sign. In the light of the blank-sign, we see poetry as a genre rich with meaning-charged blank-signs and poetry translation as a “blank-filling” endeavour to seek relevance for the poem in the target sociocultural context while craftily leaving its overall poetic “...
And, that reminds/rɪˈmaɪnd/ me of the story of the time when one of these people died/daɪ/ and the minister/ˈmɪn.ə.stɚ/ said, "it's now time for someone to say something nice about the deceased/dɪˈsiːst/". ...
This comes in the poem's final stanza, the explicit silencing of the speaker in the unfinished phrase "- then -." If funerals, in part, serve to guide the soul of the deceased into the next world, that's exactly what happens in this poem as well. The speaker's mind gets transported...
The poem compares the search for a retreating beauty amid chaotic glamour with the search for one's dream while confronted by life's many obstacles. "…hundreds and thousands of times, for her I searched in chaos, suddenly, I turned 我们的名字由在宋朝期间被写的超过800年前诗启发。 诗查寻...
Write about a deceased public figure who had a strong effect on you. When was the moment you knew they were influential? Lament the fading away of an idea, a fad, a movement or an invention in the form of a poem. In classic elegiac couplets, write about an imaginary person no longer...