Write about a deceased public figure who had a strong effect on you. When was the moment you knew they were influential? Lament the fading away of an idea, a fad, a movement or an invention in the form of a poem. In classic elegiac couplets, write about an imaginary person no longer...
In larger script appears a ghazal (lyricpoem)inwhich a lover sighsaboutthelack of news from his beloved. wdl.org wdl.org 一个较大的写体上显示着 甘查尔诗歌 (抒情诗),描述的是一位恋人的叹息,因为罕有来自爱人的消息。 wdl.org wdl.org ...
Nowadays, elegiac textslamentthe death of this person. They often go into detail about the deceased person’s life, their attributes, what they accomplished, and who they left behind. There is usually an emphasis placed on what the world is going to be like now that they are gone. The wo...
We do not know if any real person was the subject of this poem, but certainly, in an era of high child mortality, a baby born in a cold northern climate would have less chance of survival. Better to have been born in warmer weather. This leads me to believe that the poem ...
the collection Ariel, the poem was originally written in October 1962, a month after Plath's separation from her husband, the poet Ted Hughes, and four months before her death by suicide. It is a deeply complex poem informed by the poet's relationship with her deceased father, Otto Plath....
A ghost is the apparition of a deceased individual. A ghost can haunt or linger around particular places or people. Moreover, a ghost often takes on a terrifying appearance, relating to the manner of someone's death. As such, in "No, Thank You, John," the ghost symbolizes the unwelcome...
That first line is a curiously dark mix of life and death as the first-person speaker sets the tone for the entire poem. This has to be a metaphorical funeral, what with the mind being at a loss—the death of a part of the psyche?
The deceased was a classmate of my grandson and used to visit our home off and on. I have been thinking about his parents' plight since then. Your poem, "I Love You, Son," helped me to empathize with them. It also helped me to de-stress myself a bit. Thank you very much. ...
An's DiaoWangpoems(poemstomourn his deceased wife) were so famous and exerted such a far-reaching impact that "Diao Wang (literally means mourn the dead)poems"came into anewpoemstyle and was reserved for mourning dead spouse by later poets. ...
of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with a rocket propelled grenade. Are the souls of many departed Redlegs camped near a good old-time canteen. Another legend has it originating in the 1800s and was composed as a song sung by the soldiers of the 6th and 7th Cavalry....