This microscope photo provided by the McLean Hospital's Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center in January 2024 shows cells in the caudate nucleus structure of the brain in a person with Huntington's disease. (McLean Hospital's Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Cente...
Huntington's diseasecaregiverexperiencessupportqualitative researchQUALITY-OF-LIFEFAMILY CAREGIVERSEXPERIENCESCARERSDEMENTIAObjectivesThis study aims to provide more insight into possible barriers and facilitators caregivers of people with Huntington's disease (HD) encounter, and what their needs and wishes are ...
Discusses the case of a patient with Huntington's Disease (HD) presenting with laryngeal chorea. Genetic examination of the patient; Clinical abnormalities confirmed from barium cineradiologic examination of ingestion in patients with HD.European Neurology...
There has been little research into the psychosocial impact of Juvenile Huntington's Disease on the child and family. This study investigates the social and health care needs of those affected by Juvenile Huntington's Disease. Ten semi-structured interviews with carers were analysed using the qualita...
Huntington's has often ended up rather overshadowed by other, more common neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Not many people know someone who has or has had Huntington's disease. Sometimes, the person affected does not want to discuss the disease openly. ...
have Huntington’s disease (HD), a disorder with numerous complicated, long-lasting and stigmatizing symptoms. Caregiving typically falls to the family, yet little is known about the caregiving experience of children and adolescents in the home. Objective Guided by the stress process model, this ...
I naively thought we were on the verge of such a paradigm change in 1983, when James Gusella and Nancy Wexler were tracking down the gene that causes Huntington's disease. I expected that within 10 years we would have found the major genes that contribute to schizophrenia, depression, and ...
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Huntington disease (HD) are generally considered to be distinct and easily differentiated neurologic conditions. However, there are case reports of the co-occurrence of ALS with HD. We present a 57-year-old male with a clinical diagnosis of sporadic ALS in...
If a man is heterozygous for the autosomal dominant condition Huntington's disease, and his wife is free of the disease, what is the probability that their child will inherit the disease? Huntington's disease is an autosomal dominant disorder. A person with the dis...
亨廷顿病(Huntington’s disease, HD),又称亨廷顿舞蹈症,是一种罕见的以舞蹈样不自主运动、精神障碍和认知障碍为特征的神经退行性疾病。 致病原因是位于4号染色体上的HTT基因CAG三核苷酸重复序列过度扩增所致,遗传方式为显性遗传,也就是说...