20:20 WHICH HARRY POTTER HOUSE AM I!? 19:12 Your Channel Is Trash! | WHO AM I? 26:12 Bring Your Pet To School | Minecraft Prop :Hunt 12:36 On the Edge | Minecraft Prop Hunt 14:48 Bad Boy! | Minecraft Murder | Phoenix Drop High 12:23 [Shtpost] | Crave Violence | Phoenix...
Rowling's Harry Potter series, is a favourite with fan fiction writers. This character is described in far less detail than the other two main characters: in terms of Wolfgang Iser's reader response theory, she is a blank to be filled in by the reader. Her popularity among fan writers ...
《Harry, A History》是2008年Pocket Books出版的图书,作者是Melissa Anelli(梅丽莎·阿内利)。内容简介 The Harry Potter Books Were Just the Beginning of the Story. . .During the brief span of just one decade, hundreds of millions of perfectly ordinary people made history: they became the only ...
Reddit: /r/hpmor FanFiction.net reviews TV Tropes Less Wrong Table of Contents Chapter 1: A Day of Very Low Probability Chapter 2: Everything I Believe Is False Chapter 3: Comparing Reality To Its Alternatives Chapter 4: The Efficient Market Hypothesis ...
文案:Lord Voldemort变成了一条蛇,糟糕的是他自己无法恢复原状,于是他不得不向世上除他之外仅存的蛇佬腔——Harry Potter求助。双方达成交易之后,Harry同意帮助Dark Lord变回人形。不得不在一起生活,Harry将会如何对待这个住在他脖子上的Voldemort?警告:SLASH,Harry微黑化,老邓些微幕后黑手但不邪恶。原文链接:www....
anime harry potter se anime naruto the movi animisim animosity accentuatio animosity agency animosity curhire animosityusioncontfor animsets aninlandvoyage aninquiryintothenatur anion sulfactant anionic trash anionic-cationic titr anionicsurfactant anionoid recombinatio anipet aquarium aniridia traumatica an...
A Harry Potter fan has rewritten the passage about Hedwig in the Deathly Hallows book and it's amazing.
Further proof of Dolan's hawk eye for observing social tensions, hierarchies and behaviour. 21. Neapolitan Novels, Elena Ferrante You'll soon learn that this is the most addictive series you'll have read since being a kid, nose deep in the Harry Potter series. If you crave nothing else ...
During the summer I could do a five-week writing workshop on Harry Potter fan fiction. The first week we would start by discussing how to write fan fiction. I would start by telling them the needed to read the seven books in the Harry Potter series. I would also have them read up on...
What’s the coolest thing you could build for a Harry Potter fan, aside from a working magic wand or Quidditch broomstick? We would have to say a Weasley clock that shows the whereabouts of everyone in the family is pretty high on the list, especially if that fan is a wife and mother...