《哈利波特》同人作品库HarryPotterFanfiction.com将被搬运至Archive of Our Own - AO3(AO3作品库)🎉 HarryPotterFanfiction.com创建于2001年,截至2021年包含了来自接近40000名作者的超过85000篇作品。因为HPF...
I'm looking for a Harry Potter fanfiction where Harry time travels to the Marauder's time and pretends to be James Potter's cousin. All I remember is that he kept everything a secret until baby Harry was born, then he told the Marauder's and Lily that he was actually James and Lily...
Aaron SchwabachSchwabach, Aaron. 2008. The Harry Potter Lexicon and the World of Fandom: Fan Fiction, Outsider Works, and Copyright. TJSL Legal Studies Research Paper No. 1274293. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh.
it would be difficult to argue that the Harry Potter texts do not contain queer elements, as a surface-level reading of the first novel quite literally documents Harry’s being freed from life in a closet and introduced to a nonnormative magical subculture by a pink-umbrella-wielding half-gia...
Find news about the Harry Potter books, movies, spinoffs, show, J.K. Rowling controversy, Fantastic Beasts series & more - Culturess
Beyond the magic, epic storylines, and fantastical settings, the characters are really what make the Harry Potter films so beloved. Fans take ...
Harry goes up to his room without making a sound during the party as promised, but when he gets there, someone else is on his bed. Chapter 2: Dobby's Warning"Harry Potter is valiant and bold! He has braved so many dangers already! But Dobby has come to protect Harry Potter, to ...
Harry Potter triumphed over Lord Voldemort in their final battle, but peace was short-lived. Though Voldemort was defeated, Harry felt a deep, withering wound inside—his life was still in danger... Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy -Characters: Draco,George,Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Ron- Chapter...
“Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash,” after training an algorithmic tool on all seven of the children’s fantasy novels. The end result is a tale with a plot that feels soulless and meandering but like any good fanfiction, still holds a faint ...