ReadingAppreciationofANewHomeforSocks LeadinWhatcanyouseeinthevideo? Leadin LeadinWhatwillprobablyhappennext?Whatwillyoudoifyoumeetanabandoneddog?Whatcanyouseeinthevideo? Pre-reading1.获取信息,梳理故事脉络,概括故事的开端、发展、高潮与结局;2.提取、分析、归纳情节发展和人物形象,分析人物的情感变化。运用...
1A New Home for Socks《寻找安乐窝》 Penny walks around the park. There are no dogs or people now.And it is very cold. Then Penny hears a noise. It sounds like a small dog,a small frightened(受惊吓的)dog. Penny looks around but she can't see a dog. She calls gently and then she...
Outstandingforu创作的外语有声书作品A New Home for Socks,目前已更新15个声音,收听最新音频章节Chapter 15。
寻找安乐窝 A New Home for Socks Antoinette Moses When Penny moves from her home in the village to a new house in the city,she has to leave her friends and pet dog behind. One day,after school,Penny finds a little puppy in the park. He is small and dirty and very frightened. Penny...
she has to leave her friends and pet dog behind. One day, after school, Penny finds a little puppy in the park. He is small and dirty and very frightened. Penny calls him Socks. But Penny's new house is small and Socks can't stay with her. Can Penny find a new home for Socks?
今天顺德初中英语通过公众号“南粤基础外语”为您分享广东一等奖 | 优秀课例展评 | A New Home for Socks | 授课教师:韶关市一中实验学校 梁韵。 欢迎关注,期待分享与交流。 点击蓝字,关注我们推荐寒假作业类学生读写活动预告点...
黑布林英语阅读初一年级9寻找安乐窝A new home for socks 全彩内页中学生英语学习课外阅读书籍英语学习辅导书上海外语教育出版社 作者:无出版社:上海外语教育出版社 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥25.00 定价 ¥25.00 配送至 陕西西安市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“昌盛图书专营店”发货,并提供售后服务。
46:5012. A New Home for Socks作者及故事人物简介 郑晓燕ueh4eu 765次播放 44:5213. A new home for Socks.1--6 郑晓燕ueh4eu 371次播放 50:4714. A New Home For Socks 7-12 郑晓燕ueh4eu 219次播放 01:1115. 寻找安乐窝练习 郑晓燕ueh4eu 159次播放 56:4116. 寻找安乐窝练习 郑晓燕ue...
a new home for socks读后感英文 The writer of this book is a woman whose name is Antoinette. Antoinette likes writing books and plays. She is also a teacher who teaches students at university in England. She likes cats a lot, but she doesn’t keep any cat at home. The reason is that...