ReadingAppreciationofANewHomeforSocks LeadinWhatcanyouseeinthevideo? Leadin LeadinWhatwillprobablyhappennext?Whatwillyoudoifyoumeetanabandoneddog?Whatcanyouseeinthevideo? Pre-reading1.获取信息,梳理故事脉络,概括故事的开端、发展、高潮与结局;2.提取、分析、归纳情节发展和人物形象,分析人物的情感变化。运用...
外研版七年级英语上册阅读课AnewhomeforSocks(56张PPT).pptx,A New Home for Socks 英语阅读课 I hope you can...Good preparationFluent languageUseful informationProper mannerListen carefullyReady to participateTake certain notesThink actively What can you see
(共56张PPT) A New Home for Socks 英语阅读课 I hope you can... Good preparation Fluent language Useful information Proper manner Listen carefully Ready to participate Take certain notes Think actively > What can you see from the cover > Who is Socks > What's the title of the book Lead...
学科网为您提供 2024-2025学年外研版七年级英语上册 阅读课A new home for Socks 课件精品资料,欢迎您下载使用,获取更多外研版(2024)初中英语七年级上册课件优质资源请关注学科网
1594190zfvg创作的外语有声书作品A New Home For Socks,目前已更新15个声音,收听最新音频章节15.Safe And Happy。寻找安乐窝作者:AntoinetteMoses佩妮与父母从小镇搬家来到城市居住,她不得不离...
黑布林精品英语阅读公开课件A new home for Socks (上)英语阅读课 ANewHomeforSocks Ihopeyoucan...GoodpreparationFluentlanguage UsefulinformationPropermanner ListencarefullyReadytoparticipate TakecertainnotesThinkactively Lead-in导入 Pre-reading读前While-reading读中 Post-reading读后 >What'sthetitleofthebook?>...
黑布林名著阅读 A New Home for Socks 安乐窝课件 2023-2024学年牛津译林版七年级英语上册 2024/7/14 18:46:04 发布浏览量:1070下载量:6 更多 版权异议挑错建议 共23页 开通轻享会员 本次下载免费 付费资料下载券每月到账5张免费资料下载150份/周扫码支付享8折优惠...
pattyy创作的外语有声书作品A New Home for Socks,目前已更新20个声音,收听最新音频章节Holly's New Friend(13)。
a new home for socks手抄报英文版 Title: A New Home for Socks [Introduction] Socks. They are small yet crucial items in our daily lives. However, keeping track of socks and preventing them from mysteriously disappearing can be quite a challenge. In this hand-drawn English edition of A New...
1A New Home for Socks《寻找安乐窝》 Penny walks around the park. There are no dogs or people now.And it is very cold. Then Penny hears a noise. It sounds like a small dog,a small frightened(受惊吓的)dog. Penny looks around but she can't see a dog. She calls gently and then she...