A Neural Representation of Sketch Drawings (Sketch-RNN) ICLR 2018 [code] Vector/stroke-level Reconstruction and interpolation SketchHealer: A Graph-to-Sequence Network for Recreating Partial Human Sketches BMVC 2020 [code] Vector/stroke-level Sketch recognition, retrieval, completion and analogy Sketch...
A Neural Representation of Sketch Drawings Understanding Deep Image Representations by Inverting Them NIMA: Neural Image Assessment NASNet-A-Mobile. Ported weights Graphics code generating model using Processing Links to This Repository Github Repository ...
A. Retina-Like Image Representation of Primal-Sketch Features Extracted Using a Neural Network Approach. In: Proceedings of Noblesse Workshop on non-Linear Model Based Image Analysis, 1998, Glasgow. Springer-Verlag, pp. 251-256, 1998.H. M. Gomes, R. B. Fisher, and J. Hallam. A Retina-...
This paper reviews the current state of the art in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and applications in the context of the creative industries. A
The author distinguished three stages in the processes of the engineering design: conceptual design, sketch, and detailed design. The first process is a search for possible solutions through an undefined space, using fuzzy objective functions and vague concepts of the final solution structure. The ...
of parameters. To circumvent this, they utilized a hashing mechanism to create a joint feature representation. They apply a hashing trick proposed byChen et al. (2015)for compression of neural networks. A hashing algorithm is used to group different parameters, and each group of parameters ...
Incremental modelling of ambiguous geometric ideas (I-MAGI): representation and maintenance of vague geometry Artificial Intelligence in Engineering (2001) A. McGown et al. Visible ideas, informational patterns of conceptual sketch activity Design Studies (1998) A.T. Purcell et al. Drawings and the...
Sketch-Based Freeform Modeling Creating freeform 3D models from handdrawings has been paid much attention for two decades in both the industry and research community(Olsen et al.,2009). Humans typically rely on silhouettes or contours to depict objects in drawings. Singh and Fiume(Singh and Fium...
A neural representation of sketch drawings. Ha, Eckhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1704.03477.pdf 2016 Attend, infer, repeat: fast scene understanding with generative models. Eslami, Heess, Weber, Tassa, Szepesvari, Kavukcuoglu, Hintonhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.08575.pdfhttp://akosiorek.github.io/ml...
This is improved even further by the use of a weighted quantile sketch. The sketch bases the difference between each quantile on weight, not observation, where the weight of each observation is ℎ𝑖hi, meaning the quantiles are partitioned where the sum of the weights is similar. Therefore...