James Joyce(詹姆斯·乔伊斯) 简介 作为现代主义写作的关键声音,詹姆斯·乔伊斯在他的小说和短篇小说中拓展了主题和风格的界限,对小说写作产生了持久的影响。乔伊斯在爱尔兰都柏林出生和长大,就读于耶稣会学校,后来尽管家庭贫困,但还是从都柏林大学学院毕业。乔伊斯在天主教堂长大,但他早年就失去了宗教信仰——这是他后来...
内容提示: A Little Cloud 的两种译文比较 关键词 A Little Cloud 不同的解读 翻译技巧 译者主体性 中国论文 本科毕业论文 摘要 本文比较分析了 A Little Cloud 两种具有影响力的译文 从解读原文本以及采用翻译技巧这两方面来分析译者主体性在此短篇小说翻译中的发挥 指出这一短篇译文获得成功与好评的重要原因之一...
A Little Cloud的两种译文比较 下载积分: 999 内容提示: 第2l卷第2期2 008年2 月高等函授学报( 哲学社会科学版)JournalofHigherCorrcspondcnceEducation(PhilosophyandSocialSciences)V01.21N0.02February2008●英语学习●ALittleCloud 的两种译文比较俞忠敏1, 韩江洪2( 合肥工业大学外国语学院. 合肥230009 )摘要:...
A Little Cloud by James Joyce (1883-1941) Approximate Word Count: 5215 Eight years before he had seen his friend off at the North Wall and wished him God-speed. Gallaher had got on. You could tell that at once by his travelled air, his well-cut tweed suit, and fearless accent....
作者:James Joyce书名:A Little Cloud《一朵浮云》 英文简介:One of Ireland’s most famous writers was James Joyce, a novelist and poet who’s best known for his avant garde classic Ulysses, which was inspired by The Odyssey but written in a completely modern, stream of conscience way. Joyce ...
A Little Cloud 的两种译文比较 关键词 A Little Cloud 不同的解读 翻译技巧 译者主体性 中国论文 本科毕业论文 摘要 本文比较分析了 A Little Cloud 两种具有影响力的译文 从解读原文本以及采用翻译技巧这两方面来分析译者主体性在此短篇小说翻译中的发挥 指出这一短篇译文获得成功与好评的重要原因之一是译者主体性...
Summary and Analysis A Little Cloud Summary One evening, a fussy, conservative Dublin clerk known as Little Chandler sets out to meet his old friend Gallaher at a restaurant called Corless's. Gallaher left Dublin eight years earlier and has made a success of himself as a journalist in Londo...
a little cloud