✅地理Geography 18.8% ✅数学Mathematics 15.5% ✅化学Chemistry 13.8% ✅生物Biology 13.5% ✅经济Economics 12.9% ✅物理Physics 12.1% 24申请季,队长就帮助参加CAIE考试局考试的H同学,成功收获牛津、帝国理工、KCL offer! LeaderOffer 成功案例 H同学背景 院校背景:国内国际高中 A-Level成绩:实考数学A*...
A-Level成绩:实考数学A*,预估物理A*、高数A、化学A、经济A 经历:6段竞赛经历;3段课外活动经历 申请案例分析 H同学的家长是队长老粉,在24申请季开始前找到队长,帮助H同学规划本科申请。H同学是在国际高中就读,学习A-level课程,成绩优秀且目标明确。 队长根据其希望在英国G5高校学习理工科的意向,为其规划了适宜...
Pearson Edexcel: a candidate whose first language is English, Irish or Welsh all English, English Language, and Modern Foreign Language exams in GCE, IAL and IGCSE exams of English Literature, Geography, History and Religious Studies for IGCSE 7,文具盒/袋 考生可以将透明包装的文具盒或透明文具袋...
Edexcel A Level Geography - Maths Questions Pack Strengthen your mathematical skills for A Level Geography with our Edexcel Maths Questions Pack. This comprehensive resource is designed to help students tackle the mathematical components of the A Level Geography curriculum with confidence and precision....
Geography 地理 History 历史 Mathematics 数学 Physics 物理 Psychology 心理学 #锦秋A-Level 2024年夏季A*榜 全国近2800名考生 💯703枚单元满分,同比增长55% ✅A+A*率超65%,A*率超30% 雅思+A-Level+本科留学 认准锦秋A-Level! ...
Edexcel AS Level Geographyrequires students to: 1. identify appropriate field research questions, based on their knowledge and understanding of relevant aspects of physical and human geography 2. undertake informed and critical questioning of data sources, analytical methodologies, data reporting and presen...
Geography German History Mathematics Physics Psychology Pure Mathematics Spanish 以上图片来源 Edexcel官网 02、Edexcel考试局2024年1月A Level各科目A*率数据分析 根据近日Edexcel官方更新的2024年1月大考国际考生各科统计数据来看,A*率较高的前五个科目为: ...
但是A-Level体系共开设70多门课程 选课则成为了同学们首先要考虑的事情 概括来说,大原则有三个: 1. 考虑自己的能力和擅长; 2. 结合将来申请的院校和专业要求(也就是你的兴趣所在); 3. 根据往年官方给的数据分析该科目是否容易考高分。 今...
Departure day. If time allows, students may return to their chosen study location to collect further data. pdf version Edexcel A Level Geography Independent Investigation Option B Preparation for the Geography Independent Investigation Fieldwork
1、CIE考试局的 A-level考试除了美国英国外,是不需要注册的,考生直接到英国文化教育处参加考试。 2、Edexcel考试局的 A-level考试也同样是可以到英国文化教育处进行考试的。英国文化教育处其实是一个已经授权的考试服务站,它们对考生的学习状况没有任何要求。