4.Paper 4的论文题目有变,以往6选2,回答即可(部分同学可能会都选宏观或都选微观),新考纲则要求必须从2道微观题目和2道宏观题目中各选1。 化学 1.Paper 1删除了多选题,所有选择均为单选题。 2.将部分原来A2的知识点挪到AS阶段。 爱德思考试局 数学 1.数学和进阶数学依旧保留了14个模块,分别为P1-4,F1-3...
Paper 1的考试时长从1小时变为1小时15分钟。 ❗经济科目: Paper2考试时间为2小时,增加30分钟。 ❗历史科目: Paper 4的考试时长变更为1小时45分钟,比之前延长了15分钟。 改革科目 🔹爱德思🔹 1 数学 A-Level 1. 数学和进阶数学依旧保...
经济学新考纲将在2023年6月开始实施,也就是现在准备考试经济学的同学,记得使用新考纲。 1. AS的学习内容增加了International Economic Issues这一章节,由原来的5章增至6章。 2. 原本是A2的内容被转移到了AS阶段,比如国民收入统计、经济增长等经济概念,AS的知识难度也较之前有所提升。 3.Paper 2新增了一篇论文(...
Edexcel A Level Geography - Maths Questions Pack Strengthen your mathematical skills for A Level Geography with our Edexcel Maths Questions Pack. This comprehensive resource is designed to help students tackle the mathematical components of the A Level Geography curriculum with confidence and precision....
地理 Geography 数学与进阶数学 Maths and Further Maths 现代语言 Modern Languages 古典语言 Classical Languages 至于选3门还是4门科目,这要视个人情况而定,但无论几门想进好学校热门专业,A-Level预估成绩和实际成绩都需要达到高分。而AS成绩,直接关系到A-Level预估成绩的高低,有些大学的申请审核也会把AS成绩...
Edexcel AS Level Geographyrequires students to: 1. identify appropriate field research questions, based on their knowledge and understanding of relevant aspects of physical and human geography 2. undertake informed and critical questioning of data sources, analytical methodologies, data reporting and presen...
地理|Geography A-Level地理涉及的知识面特别广。分成自然地理和人文地理,还包括许多与当前全球面临的...
Trust the leading A level Geography publisher to boost your students' geographical knowledge and skills with a fully updated edition of our bestselling Student's Book; designed to provide the in-depth subject coverage, developmental activities and exam support you need at a time of curriculum chang...
Geography German History Mathematics Physics Psychology Pure Mathematics Spanish 以上图片来源 Edexcel官网 02、Edexcel考试局2024年1月A Level各科目A*率数据分析 根据近日Edexcel官方更新的2024年1月大考国际考生各科统计数据来看,A*率较高的前五个科目为: ...
Departure day. If time allows, students may return to their chosen study location to collect further data. pdf version Edexcel A Level Geography Independent Investigation Option B Preparation for the Geography Independent Investigation Fieldwork