孩子需要有学习那个科目的能力,智力、专注力、耐力都需要,A Level高中的课程要比GCSE课程难度增大很多,需要分析问题和解决问题的能力,对GCSE的等级分数也有要求。 Career or Higher Education Requirements:职业规划或大学专业需要。多看一些大学的资料,对目标专业和目标大学的要求做好调研。 A Level选科要求: 当然每所...
A level考试由考试局(exam board)出题,和IB,AP不同,考试局不仅仅是一个哦,有AQA,Edexcel, O...
A level考试由考试局(exam board)出题,和IB,AP不同,考试局不仅仅是一个哦,有AQA,Edexcel, O...
A Level grades are divided into six grades from high to low: A, B, C, D, E, and U. Different universities around the world and different majors have different admission standards for A Level scores. Relatively good universities ...
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good, the next round (every six months) can also be re-taken. This greatly reduces the burden of review and psychological pressure of each exam and is also conducive to students to show their normal level. Students don’t lose a great chance in life because they don’t pass an exam. ...
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“My school set up many clubs to help students understand the importance of traditional culture. I join a paper-cutting workshop and a hanfu club. It has not only helped me practise my handwork skills but also let me know the beauty of art. It’s our duty to pass this great art to...
沪杭热门A-Level学校 点击下方百度小程序预约(电脑端不一定显示,请手机端访问)02 AP课程 AP是什么 AP课程是指美国大学预修课程(Advanced Placement),是由美国大学理事会(The College Board)在高中阶段开设的具有大学水平的课程,主要适合计划在美国就读本科的高中生学习,在全世界范围内(包括美国本土)均可授课。AP...
沪杭热门A-Level学校 AP课程 AP是什么 AP课程是指美国大学预修课程(Advanced Placement),是由美国大学理事会(The College Board)在高中阶段开设的具有大学水平的课程,主要适合计划在美国就读本科的高中生学习,在全世界范围内(包括美国本土)均可授...