英国的A-level课程是由近60门课程所组成的。考生从60门课程当中选择三门或者四门进行学习。最后大学招生的时候,看的是三门成绩。当然如果你有四门成绩你的优势会更明显,前提是你的四门成绩都非常好。这些课程主要由五大考试机构Exam Boards提供。就好比国内教育部出教学大纲,然后由各省的教育厅制定具体的高考试卷。在...
Limai international high school is regulated by the UK National Examinations Authority. The British National Examinations Authority carries out strict teaching quality control measures for every advanced affiliated center that offers A Level. ...
Covering all UK Exam Boards FAQ`s Are there any benefits to paying the whole course fee in one instalment? Yes, by paying the whole course fee in one instalment, you will receive an additional discount through a coupon. What are the timetables for individual subject classes? Can I buy ...
This year the exam boards have been clear that the“Covid grade inflation”must end,and no special consideration has been given for this set of exams.The consequence is that in England,the percentage of A*and A grades has dropped right back to 27%,similar to the pre-Covid results in 20...
Ofqual has warned GCSE and A-level students about the risk of disqualification for cheating by having a phone in an exam hall or searching for leaked papers online
There are also various different exam boards offering slightly different syllabuses for the same subject so this could be an important consideration. What’s Happening To AS-levels? AS-levels will still exist, and you can continue to take a separate AS-level qualification at the end of Year ...
2月25日,英国教育部最终公布了2021年夏季 A-Level和GCSE大考的评分细则。此次出台的细则长达25页!不过别担心,接下来小编将为同学们划一下重点! 素材源于:https://www.gov.uk/transition 2021年你需要知道的成绩评估关键点有哪些呢? 评估分取消算法
英国政府明确规定,2022年夏季GCSE、AS、A level考试计划正常举行,并且需要在整个学年里像以往一样完成任何非考试评估。 作为疫情后的首次线下考试,政府表示为了帮助学生更好的学习和考试,从2月7日开始,各大考试局(Exam Boards)将陆续在官方公布考试重点内容,帮助考生集中复习。
英国政府明确规定,2022年夏季GCSE、AS、A level考试计划正常举行,并且需要在整个学年里像以往一样完成任何非考试评估。 作为疫情后的首次线下考试,政府表示为了帮助学生更好的学习和考试,从2月7日开始,各大考试局(Exam Boards)将陆续在官方公布考试重点内容,帮助考生集中复习。
In a statement posted on the GOV.UK website, the exam regulator said: "Exam boards must make exams available in all GCSE, AS and A level subjects in the additional autumn series and we are therefore varying our normal rules that allow exams only to be held in May and ...