Surely You have completely deceived and misled this people and Jerusalem, [for the prophets represented You as] saying [to Your people], ‘You will have peace,’ but [in fact] a sword reaches to their throat.”Christian Standard BibleI said, “Oh no, Lord GOD, you have certainly ...
for during the long night of my life the books I have read and those which have been read to me have built themselves into a great shining lighthouse, revealing to me the deepest channels of human life
The Jubilee Year in the Bible sounds great, wondering if American Express really forgave people their debt back then. Think it was about 20 years ago when the Fed gave the okay for credit card debt to be considered part of GNP. Betting a country never counted 1Trillion gold Simoleons of ...
The teaching ministry of Eric Barger with information on Bible prophecy, apostasy and error in the Church, the new age movement, cults, Christian apologetics, the occult and spiritual warfare.
In fact, Steyn took a scan of a page from a 100-year-old bible dictionary to get a color and texture that would remind one of naturally aged paper without resorting to a filter. I love the colored borders. When I compare Steyn’s deck with a basic RWS, I find that Steyn’s frame...
I could just moor alongside my idea, explore it, then it might stand a chance. Inside our heads, our thoughts are vulnerable to our frame of mind, to our becoming someone else’s frame of mind, but on the page they can gain an independence of sorts. They can be free of delusion. ...
2. The ideal that God has in mind for us is to be virgins before we get married. In fact when you read the Bible, you will get a sense that sexual intercourse is like the seal or the final stage in the process of getting married. So to have sex with someone that you are not ...
A Call to Judgment refers to the biblical theme where God summons individuals, nations, or the entire world to account for their actions. This concept is prevalent throughout the Bible, emphasizing God's role as the ultimate judge who evaluates human behavior according to His divine standards. ...
one encounters, it is NOT what it may appear to be. If we first presuppose there is no God, then what may appear to be the result of vision and design can be waved off as only an illusion, a false equation, or the projection of a preconceived delusion acting as a coping mechanism....
Uncategorized| Tagged:animosity,be at peace,bible,envy,God,hatred,jealousy,Jesus,let it be,love,prayer| Permalink Posted by Norm Werner Keep your eye on the donut… January 17, 2025 Famed director David Lynch died recently. In announcing his death, his family included one of his favorite sayi...