but unwilling to abandon the great humanistic hope to eliminate all transcendence by harmonizing reason and political life, were compelled to engage in ever more extreme efforts to reinterpret and tame reason, to force it into the service of practical life. Thus...
great show." And later, after a conversation with Touchstone about the passing of time, Jaques observes: "When I did hear the motley fool thus moral on the time, my lungs began to crow like chanticleer that fools should be so deep contemplative." Erasmus, quoting scripture, Cicero, the ...
Gain a complete understanding of “The Analects” by Confucius from Blinkist. The “The Analects” book summary will give you access to a synopsis of key ideas, a short story, and an audio summary.
we must ask: How was it possible to pull the wool over almost the whole of mankind so thoroughly as to cause them to turn their backs upon the true God, who had so recently revealed His awesome power through the Great Flood?
“Scripture knows nothing of a solitary Christian. People of faith are always members of a community.” Eugene Peterson author A Long Obedience in the Same Direction book christian ᐧlife ᐧcommunity ᐧknowledge ᐧfaith ᐧpeople ᐧliving ᐧscriptures concepts 136 “The sciences, each s...
I know I said no negatives, and I am trying not to go there, but EG7/Daybreak has been living in this delusion for quite a while now where they boostH1Z1as one of their most important first party franchises at every opportunity while, at the same time, they spend no time or effort...
However, I would not limit God. He might still use sign gifts if He wishes especially in places where the written word is not available. I don’t believe the passage in scripture where it was talking about the prefect coming and certain gifts ceasing was talking about the coming o...
Treasury of Scripture Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Know. 1 Corinthians 6:2,3,15,16,19 Do ye not know that the saints ...
Y’all who subscribe to (or used to, or don’t any more but still have some admiration for) Jesus’s all inclusive,the-well-never-runs-dryteachings about love, might be interested in the Gospel of Vance, in which Jesus’ lessons from scripture translates thusly: ...
Does the Scripture give us any clue to the identity of this False Prophet? Yes. By analysis, if the Beast "out of the Earth" (13:11) is the False Prophet, and the Great Whore (17:1) is the Church of Rome, then the Pope would be the False Prophet. We are told that the Great...