地址:https://codeforces.com/contest/1385/problem/D 题意: 给定一个字符串s,长度为2的幂次规定一个字符串叫做c-good,如果它满足以下任意一个条件: 1:字符串长度为1,左半边都是c,右半边是c+1--good 2:字符串长度>1,左半边为c-
codeforces 1385 D. a-Good String 分治 每次将字符串分成两段,取修改左边和修改右边的最小值 分治处理即可 #include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>#include<iostream>#include<cmath>#include<stack>#include<queue>using namespacestd;typedeflonglongll;constintmaxn =200010;intT,n,m;chars[max...
Codeforces Round 968 (Div. 2)(A~D1) 封面图源 【动漫作业本】:https://space.bilibili.com/488779255 [题目地址]https://codeforces.com/contest/2003 A. Turtle and Good Strings 题意,给一个字符串,将其划分成若干个子字符串,要求每个子字符串的头部元素,不能出现在后续的子字符串的尾部。 问能否做到,...
CodeForces Algorithms. Contribute to DionysiosB/CodeForces development by creating an account on GitHub.
1689A-LexString.cpp 1689B-MysticPermutation.cpp 1690A-PrintAPedestalCodeforcesLogo.cpp 1690B-ArrayDecrements.cpp 1690C-RestoringTheDurationOfTasks.cpp 1690D-BlackAndWhiteStripe.cpp 1691A-BeatTheOdds.cpp 1691B-ShoeShuffling.cpp 1692A-Marathon.cpp 1692B-AllDistinct.cpp 1692C-WheresTheBishop.cpp 169...
A.Turtle and Good Strings(思维) 题意: 乌龟认为,如果存在一串字符串t_1,t_2,…,t_k(k是任意整数),且该字符串s满足下列条件,那么该字符串s就是一个好字符串: k≥2。 s=t_1+t_2+…+t_k,其中+表示连接操作。例如,abc=a+bc。 对于所有1≤i<j≤k,t_i的第一个字符不等于t_j的最后一个字...
codeforces 681A A Good Contest A. A Good Contest time limit per test memory limit per test input output 2400; it is orange if his rating is less than 2400 but greater or equal to 2200, etc. Each time participant takes part in a rated contest, his rating is changed depending on...
I'm reading "Lyndon factorization" topic by the link below, and be stuck by the term "nontrivial suffixes". I googled but it does not help much. Can guys help me figure it out ? Thanks a lot !
Codeforces 196 D. The Next Good String 文章标签ico#include回文串ios搜索文章分类代码人生 D. The Next Good String time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output In problems on strings one often has to find a string with some ...
题目链接:https://codeforces.ml/contest/1385/problem/D 题意:一个字符串如果长度为1 并且为'a' 那么就是 a -good 字符串, 当长度大于1时, 需要满足 将总区间划分成一半, 其中一半全是a,另一半必须为b-good 字符串 以此类推 思路: 直接考虑暴力搜索 每次分裂成两个一半的区间 分解成logn 层, 每一层...