Codeforces 1221F Game With String 思维题 题意:有两个人玩游戏,游戏规则如下:有一个长度为n的字符串,这个字符串由 . 和 X 构成,Alice可以选择a个连续的 . 把它们变成X, Bob可以选择连续的b个 . 把它们变成X。题目中保证a > b, Alice先手,问双方都不放水的情况下谁会赢?
【概率与期望】Codeforces 482c Game with Strings 通道: 题意:给出n个字符串,然后A从中选出一个字符串,B来问,每次问就是问str[i]是什么字符,问B确定字符串的期望次数。 思路:大思路是我们算出枚举A取的每个串的期望次数,最终就是中的期望次数除以n,那么对于...
Game with string time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes 题目链接 题目大意:给你一个字符串,每次只能删除相邻两个相同的字母,直到不能删除者输掉游戏,问是否先手的胜利,如果是则输出Yes,否则输出No。 输赢的条件规律到是很简单,就是奇...
Codeforces-B-Game with string(模拟栈) Two people are playing a game with a string ss, consisting of lowercase latin letters. On a player's turn, he should choose two consecutive equal letters in the string and delete them. For example, if the string is equal to "xaax" than there is ...
Vasya and Kolya play a game with a string, using the following rules. Initially, Kolya creates a string s, consisting of small English letters, and uniformly at random chooses an integer k from a segment [0, len(s) - 1]. He tells Vasya this string s, and then shifts it k ...
Problem - 1914E2 - 本题Alice和Bob的目标都是让自己尽量多,让对方尽量少。 那么计算每一次操作所能有的贡献。 以Bob为例,一次操作Bob-1,而Alice要减去一个数。所以做出的贡献为:b-1+a。
1 1 1 1 Copy 输出数据 1 Arpa Copy 输入数据 2 4 1 1 17 17 输入数据 3 4 1 1 17 289 Copy 输出数据 3 Arpa Copy 输入数据 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Copy 输出数据 4 Arpa Copy Note In the first sample test, Mojtaba can't move.
An imaginary conversation with you: -Eldar,your css skills are shit-I know-Andyour UXisterrible,I can't figure out what's going on-Verytrue.Thatsaid,you can watchmyshitty tutorialandread thein-game help menusfor_some_ info-Whatwas that about $$$ prizes?-I'm glad you asked! I'm giv...