1 These days, football is one of the most popular sports in the world. Given that Neil Armstrong wanted to take a football to the Moon, we could even say that it is also the most popular sport out of this world! The history of the game goes back over two thousand years to Ancient ...
a game for the world课文 "A Game for the World"课文 I. Introduction In today's interconnected world, technology has bridged the gap between nations and cultures like never before. This has given rise to a new form of communication, entertainment, and community-building: online gaming. "A ...
1、必修二unit3课文A game for the WOrld1. TheSe days, football is One Of the most POPUlar SPOrtS in the world. GiVen that Neil ArmStrOng Wanted to take a football to the Moon, We COUId even Say that it is also the most POPUIar SPOrt OUt Of this world! The history Of the game ...
原文再现+长句难句分析生词短语注释+课文翻译A Game for the World全世界都热爱的运动These days, football is one of the most足球是现今世界上最受欢迎的运动之一。想popular sports in the world. Given that想当年尼尔·阿姆斯特朗Neil Armstrong wanted to take a football曾想把足球带上月球,我to the Moon,...
“a game for the world课文翻译”的内容为:课文讲述了足球作为全世界最受欢迎的运动之一的历史、受欢迎的原因、其展现的创造
词汇积累读文清障原文翻译A Game for the World一项世界运动①go back 追溯到,回溯到②goal [gool]n.球门,射门;目标These days, football is one of the most现在,足球是世界popular sports in the world. [1]Given that Neil上最受欢迎的运动之set/achieve a goal设定/达到目标Armstrong wanted to take a ...
[教材原文][长难句分析]A Game for the World(1)Given that Neil Armstrong wantedThese days, football is one of the most popular sports in the world. Given thatto take a football to the Moon是 givenNeil Armstrong wanted to take a football to the Moon(1), we could even say thatthat(考虑...
a game for the world课文 这是一个属于全世界的游戏。人们无论年龄、性别、国籍或种族如何,都可以参与其中。这个游戏不仅能够带给人们欢乐和乐趣,还能帮助人们增进彼此的了解和友谊。 这个游戏的名字是“团结之旅”。它是一个多人在线游戏,玩家可以通过互联网连接到这个虚拟世界,与其他玩家互动和合作。在这个游戏中...
所属专辑:新版高一英语第二册课文 音频列表 1 Unit 6 Sharks: dangerous or endangered 1722 2020-02 2 Unit 5C COAST to COAST 463 2020-02 3 Uint 5 A blogging Australia 1694 2020-02 4 Unit4 Good book,bad movie 669 2020-02 5 Unit4 When HAMLET meets PEKING OPERA ...
letters did, however, change as Tolkien’s children got older: ... but if you find that not many of the things you asked for have come, and not perhaps quite as many as sometimes, remember that this Christmas all...