Unit 3 Understanding ideas A Game for the World 课件 AGamefortheWorld 010203040506 Howmanyplayersarethereinafootballteam?11 12 Whatwillusuallyhappenifaplayercommitsafaul犯规duringthegame?Getaredcard.Getayellowcard.Howmanyminutesarethereinafootballgame?90 120 100 Whosewearinghasanarmbandwiththeletter“C”?te...
CharmofthisWorldgame:Ontheplaying-field,allareonequality. SimplecheapFootballcreativityexcitement Whataretheaudiencedoingonthefield? CriticalthinkingQ1:Whatmakestheaudiencecheer,scream,shout,laugh,andevencry? uncertaintycreativityCriticalthinking CharmofthisWorldgame:Peoplearewillingtoworkforuncertainty. ...
新外研版高中英语必修二Unit3-A Game for the World #ppt - 小车车于20240107发布在抖音,已经收获了8332个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
AGamefortheworld smalltalk 1 AGamefortheworld smalltalk saysomethingaboutfootball 2 football alonghistory mostpopular beneficialtoourhealth playwithheadandfeet round whiteandblack weigh396gand453g easytoplay 3 anintroductionoffootball ReadingTips:Going throughthebeginningortheendianggafmiresftohrethlpeswuosrld...
small talk A Game for the world ___ 2023最新整理收集 do something small talk A Game for the world say something about football football a long history beneficial to our health most popular play with head and feet white and black a game for the world Reading Tips: Going through the beginni...
第第 页外研版2023必修第二册Unit3 A game for the world 教学设计说课课件21张PPT共21张PPTBook 2 Unit 3 On the moveA game for the world教学设计说课学情分析
1.Totalkaboutthehistoryoffootball.2.Toexpresshis/herloveoffootball.3.Toexplainwhyfootballissuchapopulargame.4.Toprovethathe/sheisaprofessionalfootballfan.Fastreadingforthestyle Whatisthestyleofthispassage?ANarrationBArgumentationCExposition (记叙文)(议论文)(说明文)Readingforthestructure Readingskillfor How...
高中英语_A Game for the world教学课件设计.ppt,Welcome to my class! Yang Haiyan No. 1 Middle School of Jiaonan The yellow card is a warning to a player who breaks the rule. The red card is a punishment to a player who breaks the rule seriously. The player
外研社 新标准 《 英语》 》 高中必修第二册 Unit3 Understanding Idea A Game for the world —— Summary Writing 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 78 p. 互联网时代营销管理创新教材课件(PPT77张) 17 p. 《一个接一个》课件ppt 14 p. 《gkh》PPT 15 p. 《小蜗牛》部编版1 55 p. ...
A Game for the World Unit3 On the Move Understanding ideas 高一英语 外研版2019必修二 Learning aimsAt the end of this class,you wi