frontier['frʌntjə]n国境,边境;尖端,新领域 frost[frɔst]n霜,霜冻,严寒 frown[fraun]v皱眉 fruit[fru:t]n水果,果实;成果,效果 fruitful['fru:tful]a多产的;果实累累的,富有成效的 frustrate[frʌs'treit]vt挫败,阻挠,使灰心 fry[frai]v油煎,油炸 fuel['fjuəl]n燃料 vt给…加燃料 ful...
Spatial transcriptomics is an emerging technology requiring costly reagents and considerable skills, limiting the identification of transcriptional markers related to histology. Here, we show that predicted spatial gene-expression in unmeasured regions a
2. Understanding the adaptation to extreme environments requires an understanding of the evolutionary and ecological processes that shape the associated microbial community 3. Metabolism and nutrient cycling in the metaorganism 4. Living in extreme environments requires extensive inter-species communication 5...
5,24. In other words,R2does not simplify to a scalar, but remains a unitary matrix. Therefore,R2is a fundamental characteristic of anyon braiding. The topological approach to quantum computation26aims to leverage these non-Abelian anyons and their topological nature to enable gate...
We propose a model in which Ci and En control cell segregation at the A/P compartment boundary by causing an abrupt change in the activity of a single cell adhesion molecule. Results Experimental Design To test the role of En and Hh-signaling components in controlling cell segregation, we ...
In addition to dramatic state change as a frontier topic, there is also interest in incremental change in ecosystem structure and function as a response to specific environmental drivers. The interaction and distinction between these types of change is a particular frontier within this broader topic,...
A frontier represents the location of the newest, most innovative, most value-creating opportunity in an entity or an organization. The fundamental challenge, and opportunity, is to reframe how we think of boundaries as not just things that create limits or restraints, but as the very so...
The Boundary Work Approach This research followed a boundary work approach with our partner (Zurba & Berkes,2014; Zurba et al.,2019a; Zurba et al.,2019b; Woodgate et al.,2017), the Mi’kmaq Conservation Group (MCG), which is a Mi’kmaq-based conservation organization for and by the ...
Strain, mainly stemming from the residual stress at the interface and boundary20, is a key source of instability among conventional materials and devices, and thus, strain compensation or balance strategy is developed to improve the stability20,21,22,23,24,25. In the field of organic electronics...
The era of frontier exploration, when scientists could take ships into remote areas merely for curiosity's sake, was an era of single-beam echosounders and relatively poor navigation. The last two decades have seen great technical advances in echosounding (multibeam swath mapping systems, Fig. ...