Depending on their location vis-a-vis the best practice frontier, incumbents near the frontier receive substantial benefits whereas those residing further down do not realise such benefits. The former have the potential to absorb the spillovers but latter, due to the lack of capability, are unable...
This process of expansion of the agricultural frontier has come at the cost of the removal of natural fields in the direction towards the foothills, on the foothills. The process was facilitated by a great technological change, mainly in the cultivation of vines for the production of fine wines...
Duetothe closeproximityofthe northbound lanes of Tolo Highway to the existing Shan Tong Road and Shan Tong New Village, [...] 由於吐露港公路北行線非常接近現有的山塘路及山塘新村,該處也 沒有足夠空間進行所需工程,故此未能將工程集中在吐露港 ...
Work done during the internship at Frontier Research Center, Toyota Motor Corporation [paper] Note We didn't include the Toyota Human Support Robot's control module for touch sensing since it largely depends on the control packages belonging to Toyota Motor Corporation. Dependencies Python 3.8.10 ...
Chemically induced proximity (CIP) is a powerful tool to study cellular functions. However with current CIP inducers it is difficult to directly modulate unligandable and endogenous targets, and therapeutic translational potential is also restricted. Her
Ultrathin van der Waals materials and their heterostructures offer a simple, yet powerful platform for discovering emergent phenomena and implementing device structures in the two-dimensional limit. The past few years has pushed this frontier to include magnetism. These advances have brought forth a ne...
Textual data are the last frontier in the empirical literature on proximity between firms. While there are a growing number of studies using textual data, no robust methodology has yet emerged, nor has any attempt been made to compare the resulting findings with standard measures of proximity ...
For the organizing team behind the London marathon, coming up with the best way to set up the event this year has been a rocky journey, to say the least. The race, which was initially scheduled for April, was postponed in the early stages of the pandemic. But as Hugh ...
We are only 9 miles from the Piedmont Triad International Airport (GSO).See below for driving directions from the airport.PTI is serviced by major commercial airlines: American Airlines/American Eagle, Delta Airlines, Frontier Airlines, United, US Airways ...
1) To be in close proximity. 紧贴,贴近 2) press close to 贴近 1. In order topress close tothe masses, should make public to comprehend the scientists who in the frontier of science and technology. 要使科技传媒贴近广大群众,就要寓教于乐,让广大群众了解身处科技前沿的科学家;要让应邀嘉宾与广...