在生活、工作和学习中,许多人都有过写《精致的残片——读海明威的《 A Farewell to Arms》有感》作文的经历,对《精致的残片——读海明威的《 A Farewell to Arms》有感》作文都不陌生吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。那要怎么写好《精致的残片——读海明威的《 A Farewell to Arms》有感》作文呢?
AFarewelltoarms读后感 A Farewell to Arms book review Recently, I’ve read a book named A Farewell to Arms. A story of love and pain, of loyalty and desertion, represents a new romanticism for Hemingway, written when he was 30 years old. Arms, here, refers to two meanings. The ...
屠刀所到之处,高唱着杀戮的凯歌。 仇恨的鲜血洒满了残躯遍布的大地,我们都是战争的奴隶,在它那高举的枪口下无助的哭泣,向着和平的天使虔诚的祈祷。 (三) 战争是如此的残酷,而我们都知道它从未停止。 第一次世界大战之后二十年,第二次世界大战就爆发了,涉及的国家前所未有的广泛,而死亡的人数也是庞大到难以统计。
1、A Farewell to Arms“A Farewell to Arms” is a famous novel weitten by Ernest Miller Hemingway who was an American novelist. It tells of a groovy kind of love between an ambulance driver and an English nurse in times of war. Hemingway experienced Spanish Civil War and two world wars ...
你的投票直接决定哪些评论出现在豆瓣首页和“豆瓣最受欢迎的评论”里,以及在书、电影和音乐介绍页里评论的排序。 所有“没用”的点击都是匿名的。 > A Farewell to Arms 作者: ernest hemingway 出版: Charles Scribner's Sons 装帧: Hardcover 页数: 288 时间: 1929 订阅A Farewell to Arms的书评 ...
In the work of farewell to arms, Hemingway spoke frankly and openly about his stand against the war. He is not like others trying to create a strong war scene, he only respect the facts, and the victims of every war; in life we have to have the spirit of Hemingway, in fact, to ...
A farewell to arms 无疑是一部反战作品。我有个观点是,你在读某个故事/看某部电影时,对里面的某个东西产生了什么感受,往往那就是作者想传递给你的感受。主角及其遇见的几乎每个人都在讲战争的坏话,情节的走向也让我不时冒出一种“这东西也能叫战争?”的荒诞感,人们永远在奔忙,可一旦细想,却全是为着无...
永别了武器读后感 热度: 【外国文学】永别了,武器 A Farewell To Arms 热度: 相关推荐 ABookReportonAFarewelltoArms ThenovelAFarewelltoArmswasofteninterpretedtobeawarnovel,whileinfactitwasoneofthegreatromancenovelswritteninitstime.Whenreadingthisbook,wecouldnoticehoweveryimportanteventofthewarisovershadowedbythe...
A Farewell to Arms Arm在英语中既有武器也有怀抱的意思,武器代指战争而怀抱则是爱情,遗憾的是中文里无论如何也没有相同的双关词,在书名的翻译上是别扭了点,实际上整本书的翻译都挺别扭的,此书的各种译本我都看了一下,无论如何都是一股子浓浓的机翻味儿,我也没有去看英文原版的兴趣,也就这么别扭着看完...