内容提示: Lesson Four A Drink in the Passage 课程名称 现代大学英语 课次 1 主要教学内容 时间分配 I. Listen to the glossary II. Glossary study III. Homework assignment 10 mins 78 mins 2 mins 教学目的 To build up student’s vocabulary 教学重点 To learn the usage and derivation of new ...
Lesson 4—A Drin k in t h e Passag eBTLEWEN TER
A Drink in the Passage -Alan Paton 1 In the year 1960 the Union of South Africa celebrated its Golden Jubilee, and there was a nationwide sensation when the one-thousand-pound prize for the finest piece of sculpture was won by a black man, Edward Simelane. His work, African Mother and ...
A Drink in the Passage 1. –wide :extending or effective throughout a specified area or region: 广泛的:特定地区或区域内的, 或在此范围内有效的: nationwide 全国性的 worldwide 全世界的 countrywide 全国的 citywide 全市的 statewide 全州的 pel--to push, compel 强迫,被迫,迫使 dispel 消除,驱散,...
Lesson-four-A-drink-in-the-Passage过道中的饮料.ppt,In 1950, the Population Registration Act required that all South Africans be racially classified into one of three categories: white, black (African), or colored (of mixed descent). The coloured category
A Drink in the Passage课件.ppt,A Drink in the Passage Alan Paton I have a dream Cay you say something about the picture? How do you understand racial segregation? Segregation is the official practice of keeping people apart, usually people of different s
Exhibition-of-Master-Wan-Ko-Yee's-Amazing-Achievement-in-the-Form-of-World-Class-Treasures 热度: 现代大学英语 精读4 第4课 A Drink in the Passage 热度: A drink in the Passage 热度: 相关推荐 -1 ADrinkinthePassage -2 Warm-upQuestions •1.WhatdoyouknowaboutSouth Africa? •2.Have...
Lesson 4 A Drink in the Passage LessonFour ADrinkinthePassage byAlanPaton SouthAfrica AcountryofsouthernAfricaontheAtlanticandIndianoceans.FirstsettledbytheDutchinthemid-17thcentury,theregionpassedtoGreatBritainin1814butwashotlycontestedbydescendantsoftheDutchsettlersintheBoerWar(1899-1902).TheBritishandBoer...
•A Drink in the Passage 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 36 p. 课堂教学的水平演变与观察改进-课件 33 p. 课堂教学栏目设计-课件 105 p. 课堂教学技能训练(1)-课件 16 p. 课堂常规及小学英语课堂英语[课件] 37 p. 课件:项目九 电子商务环境下国际物流管理 57 p. 课件定稿:保持党的...