An attempt is made to study the Einstein relation for the diffusivity‐mobility ratio of the electrons in degenerate n‐type small‐gap semiconductors under strong magnetic field on the basis of three‐band Kane model without any approxi... KP Ghatak,SN Biswas - 《Journal of Applied Physics》...
This paper generalizes the formula sum from n=n to (Ins(v)Ins'(v)=未ss') to the case with two different v. Ins(v) is the radial wave function of an electron in a constant magnetic field. These results are very useful in synchroton radiation and astrophysics.宋燠数学物理学报:B辑英文...
magnetic-fieldselectric-current Formula for Magnetic field due to current loop I need expressions forBBfield off the axis due to current loop. The ones I came across on the internet aren't very convincing. I verified them with Mathematica, and none seems to be correct. I'm checking whetherc...
We consider the monomer–dimer partition function on arbitrary finite planar graphs and arbitrary monomer and dimer weights, with the restriction that the only non-zero monomer weights are those on the boundary. We prove a Pfaffian formula for the corresponding partition function. As a consequence o...
The Hall conductance of a two-dimensional electron gas has been studied in a uniform magnetic field and a periodic substrate potential U. The Kubo formula is written in a form that makes apparent the quantization when the Fermi energy lies in a gap. Explicit expressions have been obtained for...
Y+, is a non-dimensional distance which is often used to illustrate how coarse or fine a mesh structure is for a particular flow pattern. Throughout turbulent modeling, the proper size of cells near walls' domain is important to be measured. Various turbulent model wall's laws, define diffe...
Three-Dimensional Simulation of Remote Field ECT using the Ar Method and a New Formula for Signal Calculation In this article, a three-dimensional (3D) edge-element finite element method (FEM) code of the Ar method is upgraded to enable the 3D simulation of remote ... Z Chen,M Rebican,...
where Δφis the phase shift produced by the change of the external magnetic fieldδH,dis the thickness of the waveguide,γis the gyromagnetic ratio,4πMsis the saturation magnetization of the magnetic material. The formula above are derived for an approximate dispersion law and valid forδH...
The finite element post-processor of FLUX3D (field computation package) The FLUX3D software is a package for three-dimensional analysis of electric and magnetic fields based on the classical components, including pre- and post-... G Meunier,JC Sabonnadiere,JL Coulomb - 《IEEE Transactions on ...
Three-dimensional magnetic field reconstruction in the VKS experiment through Galerkin transforms. New J. Phys. 13, 023037 (2011). Article Google Scholar Moin, P. Stochastic estimation of organized turbulent structure: homogeneous shear flow. J. Fluid Mech. 190, 531–559 (1988). Article Google...