“A Coke is a Coke” builds on our Company’s long history of unity and positivity. This year, we decided to place our ad just before the national anthem as Americans come together in their living rooms to remind everyone that “together is beautiful.” “The Big Game is such...
A Coke is a Coke is a Coke. It’s the same for everyone(可乐就是可乐,它就是一瓶可乐。它对每个人来说都是一样的。) You can get one if you want it no matter where you from(你想喝的时候就能拿一瓶,无论你来自何方。) He drinks Coke and she drinks Coke even though they disagree.(...
可口可乐《A Coke is a Coke》超级碗动画短片 案例简介:延续从 2017 年开始的 Together is Beautiful(相聚是美好的) 的主题,在2019超级碗的营销大战中,可口可乐推出了名为《A Coke is a Coke》的动画短片,颂扬关于包容多样性的价值观。短片中出现了各种喝可口可乐的场景,有各种各样的动物、各种各样的人物,...
A Coke is a Coke is a Coke. It’s the same for everyone(可乐就是可乐,它就是一瓶可乐。它对每个人来说都是一样的。) You can get one if you want it no matter where you from(你想喝的时候就能拿一瓶,无论你来自何方。) He drinks Coke and she drinks Coke even though they disagree.(...
说实话,视频第一句“A Coke is a Coke is a Coke”就已经完全吸引到我了,或许这可能就是“开口跪”吧。 其实讲 love&peace 很难表现好,因为命题太大,很容易做得空洞。但这个创意聪明的一点就是,没有直接说我支持 love&peace ,而是借用一句“love is love”套在了可乐上——“A Coke is a Coke”。以小...
今年,在延续2017年开始的Together is Beautiful主题上,可口可乐以一支《A Coke is a Coke》“角逐”2019超级碗的营销大战,看完竟然觉得还怪可爱的。 短片通过来自不同国家,不同年龄群体的声音以及喝可乐的场景,颂扬包容多样性的价值观,为了展现“Coke is a Coke”,它可以出现在任何地方任何场合,短片中甚至还出现...
今年超级碗,可口可乐推出了名为《A Coke is a Coke》的动画短片,颂扬关于包容多样性的价值观。这一次可口可乐放弃在比赛中间投放广告,而是选择了在播放国歌前播出广告片,可口可乐北美业务高级营销副总裁 Stuart Kronauge 称:“今年,我们决定在国歌之前、美国人都聚在客厅里的时候投放广告,提醒每个人相聚是美好的(tog...
The ad has echoes of “Hilltop,” the famous Coca-Cola ad from 1971, that re-entered the cultural consciousness nearly four years ago when it was used in the last scene of the Mad Men series finale. Like that famous ad, “A Coke Is a Coke” asserts that, although the world is full...
全美高中排名第一的五星QB、Manning家族未来的三代目、与50岁的TB在Super Bowl对决之人—Arch Manning 50 -- 1:01 App A Coke is a Coke & Super Bowl Commercial 2019 2767 1 14:24 App Shakira & Jennifer López Halftime Show Full Super Bowl 2020 753 -- 0:33 App 【超级碗2019】和你近到“...
今年,在延续2017年开始的Together is Beautiful主题上,可口可乐以一支《A Coke is a Coke》“角逐”2019超级碗的营销大战,看完竟然觉得还怪可爱的。 短片通过来自不同国家,不同年龄群体的声音以及喝可乐的场景,颂扬包容多样性的价值观,为了展现“Coke is a Coke”,它可以出现在任何地方任何场合,短片中甚至还出现...