A CMOS Voltage Reference Based on WeightedLeung, Ka NangMok, Philip K TMember, Senior
A CMOS Voltage Reference Based on Weighted VGS for 热度: A CMOS Voltage Reference Based on Weighted VGS for CMOS Low-Dropout Linear Regulator 热度: A sub 1 V high PSRR CMOS bandgap voltage reference 热度: IEEETRANSACTIONSONCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS—II:EXPRESSBRIEFS,VOL.59,NO.6,JUNE2012341 ...
A high PSRR CMOS voltage reference circuit suitable for applications with noisy environments like power telemetry solutions and system on a chip (SOC) integrations is presented. The reference voltage is generated based on the difference between weighted gate-to-source voltages ( V GS ) of MOS tran...
This paper describes a CMOS voltage reference using only resistors and transistors working in weak inversion,without the need for any bipolar transistors.The voltage reference is designed and fabricated by a 0.18μm CMOS process.The experimental results show that the proposed voltage reference has a ...
A CMOS Voltage Reference Based on Weighted VGS for A 10-bit 10MSs Successive Approximation AD Converter in 035μm CMOS 10bit宽电源电压范围SAR ADC的设计 Cocos2d-x中的Box2D物理引擎集成 SketchUp在小型建筑设计中的应用研究---优秀毕业论文参考文献可复制黏贴 Cocos2d-x & HTML5 Cocos2d-x性能优化实践 ...
In addition, system-on-chip designs of integration and cost reduction. In addition, a novel CMOS with on-chip and local LDOs can reduce both board space and voltage reference based on weighted difference of gate–source external pins significantly. voltages [11] enables full-CMOS implementation....
(LDO),CMOSvoltagereference. I.INTRODUCTION P OWERMANAGEMENTisnecessarytoreducethe standbypowerofportableapplicationssuchascellular phonesandPDAs.Thelow-dropoutlinearregulator(LDO) [1]–[4]isoneofthemostpopularpowerconverterswidely usedinpowermanagement.Itisespeciallysuitableforappli- ...
We present a curvature-corrected CMOS bandgap voltage reference with in-package trim of the absolute value and first-order temperature drift during the final test. The trim settings are stored using a poly fuse ROM. The output buffer has a single-stage topology with voltage and current gain boo...
The voltage reference is designed in SMIC 0.13 ¿m CMOS process. It is able to operate at power supply voltage down to 760 mV and consumes a supply current of less than 1 ¿A at 90°C. 展开 关键词: subthreshold CMOS voltage reference low voltage temperature compensation bandgap ...
A simple subthreshold CMOS voltage reference with inherent leakage compensation to achieve a large temperature range and a high PSRR has been proposed and implemented in a 0.18-μm CMOS technology. With only one chip trimmed, the voltage reference achieves an average TC of 46.2 ppm/ºC in a...