Voltage referenceSelf-biasing loopLow temperature coefficientVoltage self-regulatingDIBL effect compensationThis article introduces a CMOS voltage reference with low temperature coefficient (TC), high power supply rejection ratio (PSRR). A new self-biasing loop is proposed to generate a zero temperature ...
A CMOS Voltage Reference Based on Weighted VGS for 热度: A CMOS Voltage Reference Based on Weighted VGS for CMOS Low-Dropout Linear Regulator 热度: A sub 1 V high PSRR CMOS bandgap voltage reference 热度: IEEETRANSACTIONSONCIRCUITSANDSYSTEMS—II:EXPRESSBRIEFS,VOL.59,NO.6,JUNE2012341 ...
A CMOS voltage reference circuit based on sub-threshold MOSFETs is proposed, which utilizes a temperature-dependent threshold voltage, a peaking current mirror and sub-threshold technology. The reference has been fabricated in an SMIC 0.13 μm CMOS process with only MOS transistors and resistors. Th...
A pure CMOS threshold voltage reference (VTR) circuit achieves temperature(T) coefficient of 5 μV/°C (T=-60~+100°C) and supply voltage (VDD) sensitivity of 0.1 mV/V (VDD=3~5 V). The combination of subthreshold current characteristics and different operating modes in n-...
CMOSbandgapvoltagereferencecanbeperformedbasedon itsPSRanalysissmallsignalmodelindicatedinFig.1.(b). TheoutputresistanceofM1,2isomittedtoneglectthechannel lengthmodulationofthecurrentmirrorpairsinordertogain moreinsightofthePSRperformance.Wecangetthebelow ...
In this paper, a 0.6 V subthsheshold CMOS voltage reference (CVR) achieving wide temperature range and high power supply ripple rejection (PSRR) is presented. The proposed CVR structure can compensate the high temperature leakage and current mirror induced mismatches so as to increase the operatin...
We present a pure CMOS bandgap voltage reference with a low quiescent current and high output current driving capability. The circuit sources a driving current of up to 1.5 mA with the reference voltage kept above 98.5% of its designated 1.2 V, and up to 6 mA before the voltage drops to ...
A voltage reference circuit operating with all transistors biased in weak inversion, providing a mean reference voltage of 257.5 mV, has been fabricated in 0.18 m CMOS technology. The reference voltage can be approximated by the difference of transistor threshold voltages at room temperature. Accurate...
A new voltage reference circuit based only on MOS and vertical substrate PNP transistors is described. The circuit designed in 130 nm CMOS standard process operates in the temperature range [-40… +125] °C with supply voltages from 2.0 V to 3.0 V. It consumes 600...
A Sub-1-V Linear CMOS Bandgap Voltage Reference