99m Tc-sodium phytate is a valid alternative to the gold-standard 99m Tc-sulfur colloid in the measurement of gastric emptying among healthy multi-ethnic Asian population: results of a randomized cross-over trialdoi:10.1186/S12876-020-01426-5Norazlina Mat Nawi...
TcI 6 2– , which exhibit experimentally determined decay constant variations of Tc-99m [1], meet the conditions for the application of the X-SW-method. The results of the calculations are given, including the case of TcF 6 2– . The decay constant variations are evaluated ...
用-Tc-葡庚糖探查肺部肿瘤 廖光祥, 赵德明, 张金谷 摘要:99mTc-葡庚糖用于检查脑肿瘤系一良好的示踪剂。 参考文献(0) 资源附件(0) 手机阅读导出引用XML下载 计量 文章访问数:954 HTML全文浏览量:182 PDF下载量:0 出版历程
The complex displays an IC[sub50] value for the 5-HT 1A receptor of 1.29 nM against the selective 5-HT[sub1A] agonist [³H]8-OH-DPAT, a moderate selectivity towards the α[sub1]-adrenergic receptor (IC[sub50] of 8.1 nM against [³H]prazosin) and a good selectivity for the D...
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放射性锝_99m_Tc_标配套药盒中亚锡量的探讨.pdf,中国药品标准 2011年第 12卷第 1期 62 D rug Standards o f China 2011, V ol112 N o11 获得, 因此实际检查中专属性试验中用含该杂质约 312 将卡马西平对照品溶液分别用 011 m ol# L- 1 011%的原料替代, 暂拟定用主成分自身对
We synthesized magnetic nanoparticles (64 nm; -40 mV) suspended in a magnetic fluid (MF) and decorated them with anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (MFCEA; 144 nm; -39 mV). MF and MFCEA nanoparticles were successfully radiolabeled with technetium–99m (99mTc) and intravenously injected in CEA-posit...
研究99m Tc 标记的经肼基烟酰胺修饰的奥曲肽(99m Tc-Hydrazinonicotinyl-Tyr3-Octreotide ,99m Tc-HYNIC-TOC )在人体内各器官的吸收剂量、全身吸收剂量及全身有效剂量。方法:对2018年5—6月复旦大学附属肿瘤医院收治的5例神经内分泌肿瘤患者静脉注射370 MBq 99m Tc-HYNIC-TOC 后于0.5、1.0、2.0、4.0...