📚 4P营销理论,由E. Jerome McCarthy在1960年代提出,包括产品(Product)、价格(Price)、推广(Promotion)和渠道(Place),也被称为营销组合(Marketing Mix)。这一理论通过Philip Kotler的推广,成为了现代营销学的基础。🚀 然而,随着服务业的快速发展,4P理论在分析服务市场和制定营销策略时显得不足。于是,Bernard H....
Marketing Mix Themarketingmixis often considered as the center of amarketingstrategy. It is defined by Kotler and Armstrong (2010:84) as ‘the set of controllable‚ tacticalmarketingtools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market.’ These tools are; Product...
. As a hotel, the core product of Comfort inn is its accommodation services. To satisfy consumers’ wants and needs, Comfort inn is committed to create a comfortable accommodation services to its target consumers. Actual product is the physical goods that consumers can touch and see (Kotler &...
Booms and Bitner (1980) add 3 Ps (participants, physical evidence and process) to the original 4 Ps to apply the marketing mix concept to service. Kotler (1986) adds partisan power and communal opinion formation to the Ps concept. Baumgartner (1991) suggests the concept of 15 Ps. MaGrath ...
: [1]Philip Kotler:Marketing Management.清华大学出版社[M], [2]吴长顺朱玲:营销组合4P范式的不可替代性.科技管理研究[J], [3]周荣海:营销组合理论从4P到4V的变迁.企业[J], [4]王钰:论4P策略的辩证应用.商业研究[J], [5]张蕴如:市场营销新理念:从4P到11P.管理[J], [6]吴悫华:7P营销策略与...
It was McCarthy (1960) who clarified that the customer is not a part of the marketing mix; rather, he should be the target of all marketing efforts (Kotler, 2000). In order to develop effective marketing strategies, the marketers need first to understand why customers use services and how...
参考文献: [1]PhilipKotler:MarketingManagement.清华大学出版社[M], 1997.3 吴长顺朱玲:营销组合4P范式的不可替代性.科技管理研究[J], 2007.3 周荣海:营销组合理论从4P到4V的变迁.现代企业[J],2006.6 王钰:论4P策略的辩证应用.商业研究[J],2006.5 张蕴如:市场营销新理念:从4P到11P.经济管理[J],2001.9 吴悫...
Booms和Bitner(1980)将原始的4Ps添加了3P(人员,有形展示和服务过程),以将营销组合概念应用于服务营销中。 科特勒(Kotler,1986)增加了党派权力和社区舆论的形成。Baumgartner(1991)提出了15Ps的概念。MaGrath(1986)提交了3P(人员,有形展示和服务过程)的统计。Vignalis和Davis(1994)提出了S(服务)对营...
1953年,尼尔·博登(NeilBorden)在美国市场营销学会就 职演说中发明了“市场营销组合”(Marketingmix)这一术语,其意 是指市场需求或多或少在某种程度上受到所谓“营销变量”或“营销 要素”影响。为了寻求一定市场反应,企业要对这些要素进行有效组 合,从而满足市场需求,取得最大利润。营销组合实际上有几十个要 素(...