就是个追求远程弹道性能的特殊弹种而已,好多厂商都有自己的特殊弹种。 2楼2013-12-08 11:07 收起回复 鸡蛋艹翻茄 不算会员 12 7mm 雷鸣顿马格努姆 很优秀的弹药,动能大于.308,风阻力比较小,精度很好。 来自Android客户端3楼2013-12-08 15:10 回复 ...
The reloading manuals show that greatest burdens in both the 7mm Remington Magnum and 7mm Weatherby Magnum convey comparable speeds with 160-grain shots, however the 7mm STW has around 200 fps more freetravel. This is significant on the grounds that it permits you to utilize a heavier slug at...
7mm Remington Magnum.(Cartridge Corner)van Zwoll, Wayne
Classic caliber: 7mm Rem Mag. (Remington Magnum rifle)Gresham, Grits
7mm Remington Magnum While we initially did not include the 7mm Rem Mag in our ammo section, it actually does have a sniper history, primarily with the US Secret Service. They used the 7mm Rem Mag for a good number of years using ammo loaded by HSM. The Secret Service eventually migrated...
The 7mm Remington Magnum by Wayne van Zwoll In 1962 Remington fielded a brand-new rifle. The Model 700 borrowed heavily from the 721/722 series, circa...
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