Federal Premium and Nosler both produce 7mm Remington Magnum ammunition featuring the legendary Nosler Partition, which will very likely fit the bill for those looking for some seriously heavy hitting 7mm Rem Mag ammo for elk, moose, orbear hunting. Loaded with a 160 grain Nosler Partition bullet...
. 40, and . 45 ACP cartridges, as long as quality HP ammo is used. Generally, I recommend the 9mm as the best all-around caliber for concealed carry licensees, but with HP ammo, +P load, and 124 grain weight.
Also of interest, may be our in-depth article on the7mm Remington Magnum. So, what’s the Best .44 Magnum Revolver Being able to handle a .44 magnum revolver will bring a new level of joy to your shooting experience. It is an experience that drives many shooters to add one to their...
This title was taken when Remington developed their .300 RUM ammo. Still highly effective Regardless of losing that title, the low drag .300 Weatherby Magnum is still highly effective when it comes to long-distance shooting. Whether that be in the field or on the range. Proof of this is ...
Best Scope for 7mm Mag Review The 7mm magnum is one of the most trusted firearms for long range hunting and shooting. It is a reliable weapon that produces excellent flat shooting trajectory of the cartridge. To make the most out of the weapon, you need to invest in the best scope for ...
The other type of rifling is known as 5R rifling. It was made popular by the US Army’s M24, which was a Remington 700 action fitted with a unique barrel featuring the 5R rifling. The 5R rifling uses 5 lands and grooves, instead of the conventional 6. This places the lands opposite ...
For reloaders, offerings include.22, 6mm, .25, 6.5mm, .270, 7mm, .30, 8mm, .338, 9.3mm and .375. Loaded ammo options include:.223, 5.56mm, .243, .25-06, .257 Weatherby Magnum, 6.5 Creedmoor, 6.8 SPC, .270, 7x64mm Brenneke, 7×57 Mauser, 7mm-08, .280 Remington, 7mm Rem...
7mm/.284 There are plenty of non-magnum 7mm cartridges. The group includes a couple of my all-time favorites: the 7mm-08 Rem. and the 7x57 Mauser. The .280 Rem. is not one of my favorites, but it’s a great cartridge. Even better is the .280 Ackley Improved version, blown out...
7mm Remington Magnum One of my moose hunting partners shoots a Parker Hale 7mm Remington Magnum with 160 grain bullets and has taken many moose with this rifle. He loves this rifle, as a matter of fact I have several friends that use this caliber for a moose hunting rifle. My only compla...
The M18 offers a chambering that is a Godsend toolder shooterswishing to own and use a powerful hunting rifle, but who are not as likely to handle.30-06 Springfieldor7mm Remingtonrecoil as well as we once did. The 6.5 PRC is a powerful loading. Hornady’s 143-grain ELD-X Precision Hu...