In a dystopian world ravaged by zombies, robots were deployed with strict orders to eliminate any signs of life to try and contain the outbreak. As a result, many remaining survivors that had not been infected were wiped out and the animals that once roamed the grasslands became extinct. The...
7D2D Mod Launcher Guide: Overhaul Instructions & UBBI 1.2.7 Install Launcher Designed By Sphereii, Tutorial Created By Ztensity After discovering7 Days to Dielast November, I quickly began diving into playing the game with mods. I first began discovering mods on Nexus, but over time I eventua...
The time/day has been removed from the UI. To add it back either find a wristwatch mod, or there is a Mip Boy you can equip and then check the time with it. There are also working clocks in the world, such as in traders and then randomly in other POIs. You can bring these back...
七日杀吧 无名无名无名。 不懂就问:show game launcher这个启动项是干嘛的? 分享4赞 七日杀吧 孤独的建筑师 本人遇到七日杀问题的一些解决办法1进不去自己的档 验证游戏完整性再进行以下步骤。 先将存档备份,位置C:\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\你建档时的地图名\档的名字 然后在... 一款用于开启 SOCKS v5 代理服务的工具,基于标准 C 开发,可提供多平台间的转接通讯,用于复杂网络环境下的数据转发。 EarthWorm 升级版,可以实现多节点跳跃 可以通过 HTTP 封装隧道通信任何 TCP,以及用于...
Removed shot and thrown flares for now. They are not working as intended. Will revivist them in V5 Removed the Glass Shank as it was only one of two recipes needing glass. Plus no one used it. Removed the giant sight on the grenade launcher to make aiming down sight a bit better. ...
Increases the toolbelt to 15 slots. C# Mod (cannot be server only, EAC must be off!). Changelog Updated for V1.0. V1 DOWNLOADforV1(5 KB) Alpha 21 DOWNLOADforA21(8 KB) If you appreciate KhaineGB’s work and you want to show support, use thisdonate link. ...