In a dystopian world ravaged by zombies, robots were deployed with strict orders to eliminate any signs of life to try and contain the outbreak. As a result, many remaining survivors that had not been infected were wiped out and the animals that once roamed the grasslands became extinct. The...
This modlet defaults weapons, tools and armor in loot and at traders to not exceed tier1 to make Skill Magazines more relevant. THIS IS AN OPTIONAL MODLET, YOU MAY REMOVE THE FILE TO REVERT BACK TO STANDARD TIERED ITEMS IN LOOT, QUEST REWARDS, AND TRADER STOCK 60 Slot BackPack Larger It...
Download my guide here:7 Days to Die Mod Launcher Tutorial -Notes- Shout Outs: I want to say thank you to Sphereii for his hard work in creating the mod launcher, the backbone for the how to's etc. Without him, none of this would be a reality! Ztensity...
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Fixed: Short Iron Pipe backpack recipe moved to workbench v1.1.2.1 !!!EAC MUST BE OFF!!! Game Version: 1.1 Wasteland Version: -Mod Dependencies(Included): SCore v. NPCmod v.1.0.13 FullautoLauncher v.1.3.1 RandomMainmenuBackground v1.1.0 ...
Playing Card mod for the bicycle. Acts exactly like the Super Charger but you can get it sooner. Rocket Launcher Tube Extender for the… well… Rocket Launcher Variants of the bosses for horde night to reduce their loot drops Spider Skeleton + feral version ...
Increases the toolbelt to 15 slots. C# Mod (cannot be server only, EAC must be off!). Changelog Updated for V1.0. V1 DOWNLOADforV1(5 KB) Alpha 21 DOWNLOADforA21(8 KB) If you appreciate KhaineGB’s work and you want to show support, use thisdonate link. ...