用Steam启动游戏时选择"Launch game without EAC",或者在游戏启动器(7dLauncher.exe)中取消"Use Easy...
七日杀吧 无名无名无名。 不懂就问:show game launcher这个启动项是干嘛的? 分享4赞 七日杀吧 孤独的建筑师 本人遇到七日杀问题的一些解决办法1进不去自己的档 验证游戏完整性再进行以下步骤。 先将存档备份,位置C:\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\你建档时的地图名\档的名字 然后在...
游戏安装目录\Mods下 相关文件夹 然后点开始游戏 选择show game launcher 在 additional parameters 栏输入 -language=schinese 3297 七日杀吧 绝世天才琪露诺 【mod分享/说明翻译/修改】AGF-HUDplus(常显)(A20最新)原连接www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/870 蛮不错的常显,打了增强包可以显示食物和口渴度的...
Caution, for your own safety: If you are playing on a multiplayer/dedicated server, remove/blackout your IP Addresses from your Error Logs before sharing them with the whole Internet. PC - Output Log Location YourDrive:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\logsFrom Game Launcher:%...
Download my guide here:7 Days to Die Mod Launcher Tutorial -Notes- Shout Outs: I want to say thank you to Sphereii for his hard work in creating the mod launcher, the backbone for the how to's etc. Without him, none of this would be a reality!
Fixed: Short Iron Pipe backpack recipe moved to workbench v1.1.2.1 !!!EAC MUST BE OFF!!! Game Version: 1.1 Wasteland Version: -Mod Dependencies(Included): SCore v. NPCmod v.1.0.13 FullautoLauncher v.1.3.1 RandomMainmenuBackground v1.1.0 ...
Plasma grenade launcher holosight is misalinged with the ironsights Some workbench recipes are missing the workbenchCrafting tag for faster crafting with Advanced Engineering Fabricator and Auto Miner recipes benefiting from workbench crafting speed via Advanced Engineering when they shouldn’t ...
.\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie.exe" -language=korean..\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie.exe"SPACE-language=korean 4 3 几个月前 Momiji Thanks for accepting my request to update the game!Note: If you guys fail to run the game in offline mode, you need to use...
Zombie soldiers are less generous with the rocket launchers Shotguns only have one schematic Increased the amount of ammo that traders carry Low quality weapon parts are more durable and effective Maple Forest biome grass, added specular channel to grass. Adjusted spectrums, added sparse pine trees...
** 首先让我们来看看win7的常见报错/未响应和解决办法: 首先切 任务管理器(ctrl+alt+Del) 找到launcher.exe/自动更新程序 结束掉该进程后 按以下方法尝试打开 一.Q:打不开客户端的问题 A:干掉游戏进程(上面有写),对着300的启动程序右键属性-》兼容性-》关闭视觉元素+桌面元 +2 83471192 n53吧 Patrick1832 ...