NMOS-Inside6TSRAMLayout ReducingNeutron-InducedMultipleCellUpsets 1 ShusukeYoshimoto, 1 TakuroAmashita, 1 ShunsukeOkumura, 2 KojiNii, 1 HiroshiKawaguchi,and 1,3 MasahikoYoshimoto 1 KobeUniversity, 2 RenesasElectronicsCorporation, 3 JST,CREST
Six layout variations of the 6T SRAM cell are examined and compared. The comparison includes four conventional cells, plus the thin cell commonly used in industry and a recently proposed ultra-thin cell. The layouts of the cells are presented and corresponding memory arrays are implemented at 65...
This paper presents a novel NMOS-inside 6T SRAM cell layout that reduces a neutron-induced MCU SER on a same wordline. We implemented a 1-Mb SRAM macro in a 65-nm CMOS process and irradiated neutrons as a neutron-accelerated test to evaluate the MCU SER. The proposed 6T SRAM macro im...
6T SRAM Cell 分析与设计
Supervisor 6T Board Layout with TEMP Sensor Supervisor 6T Packet Walks All packet processing is performed in a specific sequence through the different ASIC blocks. A high-level packet walk is provided for packets that ingress and egress the local ports on the Supervisor. Ingress Packet ...
SNM has been calculated 0.4 V for 6T SRAM cell, 0.375 V for 7T SRAM cell, 0.65 V for 8T SRAM cell, 0.65 V for 9T SRAM cell and 0.6 V for 10T SRAM cell. All the circuit of SRAM cells and their layout has been designed using Cadence virtuoso ADE tool and Cadence virtuoso ...
1.6-TSRAMIntroduction a.BlockDiagramb.TheCellCircuitc.TheCellLayoutd.ThePhysicalSEMCellLayoute.SRAMCellConfiguration 2.SRAMCellOperation a.WriteOperationb.ReadOperationc.TimingofReadOperation 3.TheBasicSenseAmplifierCircuitsofSRAM a.DifferentialSenseAmplifierb.Cross-coupledSenseAmplifier 4.FailureAnalysisCases ...
TCAD analysis results indicate that the cell robustness and performance of InGaAs-n/Ge-p 6T SRAM can be improved simultaneously with interlayer coupling through optimized monolithic 3D layout design. We suggest two layout designs for high performance and low power operation, respectively. Moreover, ...
2B6 features a robust 32-bit MCU core led by the 80 MHz Arm® Cortex®-M4 single, a memory spectrum of 512 KB flash, 64 KB work flash, 64 KB SRAM, and an Arm® Cortex®-M0+ dedicated to cryptography. Packaged from 64/80/100-pin LQFP, these MCUs meet spac...
Packaged from 64/80/100-pin LQFP, these MCUs meet space and layout needs. The device offers various additional features, up to 4-ch CAN FD, up to 6-ch SCB, 5-ch LIN-UART. it has also up to 32 channels for the AD converter, with 12-...