物理特性(Physical Properties) 密度(Density):2.7g/cm3 机械性能(Mechanical Properties) 抗拉强度(强度极限)(Tensile Strength, Ultimate):290 MPa(42000psi) 屈服强度(屈服极限)(Tensile Stre…
典型合金6061机械和物理性能(Typical Mechanical & Physical Properties) 焊接性 切削性 耐蚀性 电导率20℃(68℉)(%IACS) 密度(20℃)(g/cm3) 容易焊接 及好 很好 40-50 2.7 抗拉强度(MPa) 屈服强度(MPa) 硬度500kg力10mm球 延伸率1.6mm(1/16in)厚度 剪应力MPa 240 205 95 9 - 6061典型用途: 6061...
mechanical propertiesAA6061T6AA6351T6friction stir weldingdye penetration testMechanische EigenschaftenRührreibschwei?enEindringprüfungIn this study, friction stir welding using a vertical milling machine was performed to join 5?mm thick dissimilar AA6061‐T6 and AA6351‐T6 aluminium alloy plates. The...
Niroumand, B.Taylor & FrancisScience and Technology of Welding & JoiningHajihashemi, M., Shamanian, M., and Niroumand, B., 2016, "Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-6061-T6 alloy welded by a new hybrid FSW/SSW joining process," Sci. Technol. Weld. Join., 21(6), pp. ...
12T6Al2alloyandthesameseriesAl2alloyproducedinEurope.Usingacubicpo lynomial,theformulatodeterminethemechanicalpropertiesofAl2alloyatele vatedtemperaturesisdevelopedbyusingregressionoftestresults. Keywords:elevatedtemperatures;aluminium2alloy(Al2alloy);materialtests ...
Status of 6061 t6 aluminum: T6 is subjected to artificial aging aftersolution heat treatment. Applicable to products that are not subjected to cold working after solution heat treatment (straightening and leveling, but not affecting the limit of mechanical properties). ...
创新点: (1) 基于热输入的理论分析,建立了焊接工具特征值与待焊工件厚度之间的工程模型. (2)设计出适用于2.5 mm 的6061-T6铝合金薄壁板材的双轴肩搅拌摩擦焊的焊接工具. (3)实现壁厚为2.5 mm 的6061-T6铝合金中空薄壁型材的对接焊接,接头的力学性能优异.关键词: 双轴肩搅拌摩擦焊;6061-T6铝合...
铝合金的典型机械性能(Typical Mechanical Properties) 铝合号 及状态 拉伸强度(25°C MPa) 屈服强度(25°C MPa) 硬度500kg力10mm球 延伸率1.6mm(1/16in)厚度 5052-H112 175 195 60 12 5083-H112 180 211 65 14 6061-T651 310 276 95 12 7050-T7451 510 455 135 10 7075-T651 572 503 150 11 2024...
processwe will find how to avoid the defect in the production process. Keywords 6061 aluminum Mechanical properties Preventive measures 二时效硬化功能 七学成分是前提 页保证化学成分 导到良好的力学1 l握,经常没有意识j 制不严,从而造成产 温不够,那么在挤』 :,就不能保证强化 而不能起到强化的1...