Validation Data Gallery Immunofluorescent analysis of (-20°C Ethanol) fixed HepG2 cells using Lamin B1 antibody (66095-1-Ig, Clone: 3C10G12 ) at dilution of 1:400 and SA00013-3 CoraLite®594-Conjugated Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L).Enlarge Image...
货品编号:Proteintech.SA00013-3 数量:-+支 正品货源 质量保障 商品详情 商品评论 商品咨询 品牌:Proteintech 所属分类:一抗 货品编号: Proteintech.SA00013-3 品牌: Proteintech 品名: CoraLite594 – conjugated Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L) 规格: 100ul ...
Cat no : SA00013-8 Overview Product Information Publications (70) Print datasheet MSDS Product Information Concentration Applications IF, FC Host Species Donkey Species Reactivity Rabbit (Minimal Cross Reactivity: Bovine, Chicken, Goat, Guinea Pig, Syrian Hamster, Horse, Human, Mouse, Rat, ...
PCN10-96P-2.54DS HL2-HTM-DC24V MS35190-272 LTL-4204N 436270 PDX-2C-10M-AC24V HL2-TM-AC240V MS35190-276 LTL-4221N Jul-07 PDX-2C-1S-AC120V HLCP-G100#S02 MS35190-280 LTL-4232N Sep-13 PDX-2C-30S-AC24V HLMA-DG08#002 MS35190-289 LTL-433HR Jan-14 PDX-2C-30S-DC24V HLMA...