Validation Data Gallery Immunofluorescent analysis of (-20°C Ethanol) fixed HepG2 cells using Lamin B1 antibody (66095-1-Ig, Clone: 3C10G12 ) at dilution of 1:400 and SA00013-3 CoraLite®594-Conjugated Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L).Enlarge Image...
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Immunofluorescent analysis of (-20°C Ethanol) fixed HepG2 cells using Lamin B1 antibody (66095-1-Ig, Clone: 3C10G12 ) at dilution of 1:400 and SA00013-3 CoraLite®594-Conjugated Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L).Enlarge Image Product Information Concentration 0.3 mg/mL Applications IF, FC ...
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