methylthioribose kinaseenzymatic assayAn efficient and reliable method for the preparation of bitritiated-methylthioribose from a suitably protected 5-ketoazido-ribose derivative has been developed. This compound is an essential component in the assay of the microbial enzyme methylthioribose kinase, which...
Structures of 5-methylthioribose kinase reveal substrate specificity and unusual mode of nucleotide binding 2007, Journal of Biological Chemistry Citation Excerpt : Thus, the flexibility of the G-loop is required to allow nucleotide entry and exit from the active site. The DXE Motif and Magnesium ...
5-methylthioribose PDB: Protein Data Bank SAM: S-adenosyl-L-methionine ATP: adenosine 5'-triphosphate SAH: S-adenosylhomocysteine MTA: 5'-methylthioadenosine MTR 1-P: 5-methylthioribose 1-phosphate APH(3')-IIIa: 3',5"-aminogylcoside phosphotransferase type IIIa cAMP: cyclic adenos...
Affinity purification of 5-methylthioribose kinase and 5-methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase from Klebsiella pneumoniae [corrected]: Two enz
methylthioribose kinaseenzymatic assayAn efficient and reliable method for the preparation of bitritiated-methylthioribose from a suitably protected 5-ketoazido-ribose derivative has been developed. This compound is an essential component in the assay of the microbial enzyme methylthioribose kinase, which...
Ku SY, Cornell KA, Howell PL. Structure of Arabidopsis thaliana 5-methylthioribose kinase reveals a more occluded active site than its bacterial homolog. BMC Struct Biol. 2007;7:70.Ku, S.Y., Cornell, K.A., Howell, P.L., 2007. Structure of Arabidopsis thaliana 5- methylthioribose kinase...
5-Methylthioribose kinaseNo Abstract available for this chapter.doi:10.1007/978-3-642-59176-1_206Dietmar SchomburgUniversität zu KölnDrte StephanGBF - Gesellschatf für Biotechnologische Forschung mbH
5-Methylthioribose was isolated after incubation of Escherichia coli B in a glucose-salts medium. At least sixty per cent of the radioactivity in absolute ethanol extracts of the residue from lyophilized medium supplemented with 35SO4(2-) was located in two chromatographic areas that represented 5...
TheD-altro phosphonate analog,2, of 5-deoxy-5-methylthioribose 1-α-phosphate,1, was prepred in four steps from the known synthetic intermediate,3. The analog does not apparently inhibit regeneration of methionine, in competition with the natural metabolite1.Figure optionsView in workspace...
EXAMPLE:5-Deoxy-5-difluoromethylthio-D-ribose. USE:A remedy for tumor having excellent antitumor activity and low toxicity. PREPARATION:The objective compound can be produced e.g. by (1) using methyl 2,3-O-isopropylidene-5-O-(p-toluenesufonyl)-D-ribofranoside of formula II as a ...