五力营销模型(Five Forces Model)是由波特(Michael E. Porter)提出的一种分析行业竞争力的工具。它通过分析行业中的五个关键力量,帮助企业了解其所在行业的竞争状况,并制定相应的竞争策略。这五个力量分别是供应商的议价能力、买家的议价能力、潜在竞争者的威胁、替代品的威胁以及行业内现有竞争者之间的竞争程度。本文...
Porter’s 5 Forces Model is a structured framework for industry analysis and the competitive dynamics impacting an industry’s profitability.
波特的5力(英文:Porter’s Five Forces)理论,由迈克尔.波特(Michael Porter)创立。它是一个经典的商业竞争分析框架,通过对5种主要竞争力量的考察,以明确企业的竞争环境、企业所处地位,并制定相应的企业战略。波特的5力分析分别包括以下5个方面: (1)现有竞争对手(competitive rivalries) 版权声明:如无特别说明...
Define Porter 5 forces analysis. Porter 5 forces analysis synonyms, Porter 5 forces analysis pronunciation, Porter 5 forces analysis translation, English dictionary definition of Porter 5 forces analysis. n. 1. A small, often distinctive environment: mic
Dans la partie I, Porter examine l'analyse structurale des industries (avec les cinq forces), les trois stratégies concurrentielles génériques (leadership de coût, ciblage de niches, et différentiation), offrant un excellent fondement pour l'analyse des concurrents, des mouvements concurrentie...
According to Michael Porter, 5 competitive forces influence the state of competition in an industry. These collectively determine the profit (i.e. long-run return on capital) potential of the industry as a whole.Using the model of five competitive forces of Porter is often done following analysi...
Eskildson, Loyd E
波特的五力模型(Porter’s 5 forces model)提到的五力包括下面哪几项?A.机会(Opportunities),威胁(Threats)B.买方(Barg
Porter's Five Forces Modelis a helpful tool prospective investors use to help analyze the industry in which a certain company operates. The model, developed by Harvard Business School professor, Michael E. Porter in 1979, is used to analyze and identify five competitive forces that shape every ...
Michael Porter developed the Five Forces method of analysis in 1979.1TheFive Forces modelaims to examine five key forces of competition within a given industry. The main force examined by Porter's model is the level of competition within an industry. A person could even argue that Porter's mod...