The invention relates to a reclosable cuboid folding box with a rear side wall, a front side wall, three side walls which connect the side walls, one of four bottom closure tab and a bottom closure formed by three fastener flap upper closure formed with insertion tab, wherein on the front...
目的测定SPF金黄地鼠乳汁的主要成份,并与牛乳,人乳及婴儿配方奶的营养成分进行比较分析.方法选取60只分娩后(1~10 d)的哺乳期雌鼠,将仔鼠隔离4小时以上,采用人工采集乳汁法收集雌鼠乳汁,并冷冻保存.隔天采集一次,每只雌鼠每次平均可采集2 mL乳汁.按照国家标准的方法进行乳汁成份检测.结果金黄地鼠乳汁水分含量86.9 g...