【腿上绑鞋内藏 #俩澳门男子携450个CPU进境被查获#】10月29日,拱北海关所属闸口海关在拱北口岸车道查获两起跨境客车司机藏匿走私进境案件,涉案物品包括450个CPU、3.7公斤燕窝。当天零时30分许,澳门男子莫某驾驶粤澳两地牌客车,经海关“无申报通道”进境。旅客身姿、步态怪异,经查验,其大小腿内侧查获用透明胶带绑...
摘要: PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To treat waste water containing animal and vegetable oils or mineral oils to have the water quality approved by the effluent standard by adding an lipophilic microorganism to oil-contg. waste water and treating the water under aerobic conditions.收藏...
摘要: An invert emulsion wellbore fluid comprising an oleaginous continuous phase, an aqueous discontinuous phase, and an emulsifying fluid, wherein the emulsifying fluid comprises an aliphatic alcohol and a glycoside, is disclosed.收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...