System 44 delivers research-based, explicit, scaffolded, and systematic instruction in the 44 speech phonemes of English, providing the foundational literacy skills that are essential to the academic success of all struggling readers. The instructional sequence for phonemic awareness lessons presents the...
1、会计学1新课标八年级下册新课标八年级下册12345678910111213141516171819202122232425bagworldsaidfamoustoldastronautspeakingalientoyesateamhardagocate dad n e r ul o uet ro lyr a nmd eu s t a n i n第1页/共17页2. When it happens, the earth will shake.A: When it happens, the earth will shak...
System 44’s research-based Software combines learning theories, pedagogical principles, and integrated media technology in a unique way. The Software uses adaptive technology to customize and scaffold individual skill practice and application in phoneme manipulation, word recognition, vocabulary, spelling,...