Since single and dual ICTs were not curative, T cell-activating ICTs were combined with a CXCR1/2 inhibitor targeting immunosuppressive myeloid cells. Triple therapy resulted in durable complete responses. Given similar profiles in human PDAC and the availability of these agents for clinical testing,...
Eight patients (7 cohort A; 1 cohort B) were treated with a total of 42 infusions on dose level 1 (1x107/3x107 CAR+ T cells/dose). Post-infusion, multiple participants exhibited neurologic findings suggestive of on-tumor CAR-T activation, including seizure, dysphasia, and localized pain....
Cells of solid tumors are sensitive to killing by activated T cells but can escape this killing activity by producing inhibitory molecules known as ‘checkpoint proteins’, such as the Programmed Death Ligand 1 (PD-L1), on their surface. When this occurs, activated T cells which...
Ligation of 4-1BB induces an activating signal in CD8+T cells and natural killer cells, resulting in increased pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion, cytolytic function, and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Targeting 4-1BB with agonistic monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapy demonstrated potent...
cells;(2)TheimmaturedendriticcellscaninduceTregamplify10 timesin7daysinvitro;(3)theantigenspecificTregcaninducetumorcellapoptosisand inhibittheproliferation,anddeprivepromotionmyelomacellsautocrineIL-6;(4)After activation CD95Lisn’t up-regualted on thesurfaceofTreg.Conclusion:Wesetupthemodelofdendriticcell...
Description: This 4B4 (4B4-1) monoclonal antibody reacts with human CD137 (also known as 4-1BB or TNFRSF9), which is an inducible member of the TNFR family of costimulatory molecules expressed on T cells, natural killer cells, dendritic cells, granulocytes, and mast cells. Involved in ...
Furthermore, clinical outcomes suggest that the co-stimulatory domains in CARs support different T cell functions in patients. For example, while overall outcomes are similar between 41BB (19BBz) and CD28-containing CARs (1928z), 19BBz CAR T cells can persist for years in patients, but ...
Apoptotic cells were found in all cases examined, and their frequency increased significantly during acute rejection (0.17 vs. 9.0; P<0.05), The immunoreactivity of Fas and Fast antigen was higher in specimens with acute rejection than in those with stable graft function. Increase...
Activated T cells also express CD137, and engagement with CD137L enhances T cell proliferation, IL-2 secretion, survival, and cytotoxic activity. CD137L is also expressed on a majority of B-cell lymphomas, including mantle cell lymphoma, follicular lymphoma, and diffuse large...