Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 32 – The Rise of Abaddon Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 33 – Saints and Beasts Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 34 – Interregnum Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 35 – Age of Apostasy ...
Carcharias is an Imperial Hive World, though this bleak planet's extreme cold temperatures, vast glacier fields and frozen wastelands make it closer in approximation to an Ice World. Carcharias was once the Chapter planet of the Crimson Consuls Space Marine Chapter, who were destroyed through a ...
For a complete chronology of the events of the Horus Heresy please see Horus Heresy Chronology "It was treachery at first. To turn against brothers, to kill for personal advancement and power. But we have seen them, how their minds and bodies have been corrupted. Their very belief systems ...
原文:http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Power_Weapons up主自译 本文贼长,请做好心理准备……请各位先点个收藏再慢慢看吧(其实就是想先骗一波收藏╮(~▽~)╭) 在第42个千年的战场上使用动力武器这种单兵近战武器是很罕见的,但这种武器也是人们梦寐以求的。机械神教只保留了很少的制造这些致命武器的必要技术,...
(Lion's Wraith), 我迄今见过的唯一一把战锤无托枪 6162309 战锤40000吧 mfighter8 【豆腐块】Gloriana级战列舰原文地址: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Gloriana-class_Battleship 渣翻如下: Gloriana级战列舰是帝国在大远征时期建造的帝国战列舰中一个巨大的级别,并在荷鲁斯叛变过程中的第三十千年晚期到...
注三:Firedrakes是来自火蜥蜴第一连的精英.(http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Firedrake)注四:Nocturne是火蜥蜴战团的家园世界. (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Nocturne)注五:Prometheus是Nocturne的月亮,也是火蜥蜴战团修道院的所在地. (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Prometheus)注六:Mandrakes and ...
I know that Honsou and Grendel's images were included based on Black Library's site, but I don't know if Vaanes, the Newborn, and M'kar were included in the published version, not that such facts have ever stopped the 40K wikia. -- SFH 05:56, 17 April 2012 (CEST) Is there ...
法务部是中央政务院(Adeptus Terra,以前有前辈译作“地球议会”,工口魔75把它叫做“中央政务院”,个人比较喜欢这种称呼。)下属的一个部门,致力于在整个帝国范围内执行帝国的法律。 司法权 法务部是“帝国律”(Lex Imperialis)以及其代表“大审判之书”(great Book of Judgement)的执行者。他们的组织代表着中央政务...
上面这个也许是最常见的crux terminatus样式,但是从背景来说,小队长,连长,智库馆长所佩戴的十字勋章各有不同。而且,被授予终结者十字徽章的星际战士,当他们穿着普通的动力甲作战时,也会佩戴小一号的版本。 比如上面这个就是一种属于小队长的crux terminatus样式。(来源于wikia的相关词条)...
原文:http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Power_Weapons up主自译 本文贼长,请做好心理准备……请各位先点个收藏再慢慢看吧(其实就是想先骗一波收藏╮(~▽~)╭) 在第42个千年的战场上使用动力武器这种单兵近战武器是很罕见的,但这种武器也是人们梦寐以求的。机械神教只保留了很少的制造这些致命武器的必要技术...